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here's chapter seven!!


*Cole POV*

I wake up the next morning, trapped in a tight grip. Paul was cuddled up to me. I got up and stretched, feeling my joints pop as I did so, causing Paul to stir beside me with a groan. "Good morning sleepy head." I said with a laugh. He groaned. "No. Stay in bed." he groaned. I laughed. "I have to shower and you do too, as well as leave before Charlie wakes up. Since you walked." I told him. He sighed. There was a knock on my door. "Cole? Are you awake?" my dad asked from outside my room. I bit my lip. "Yeah, Dad. I'm about to shower so don't come in." I called out. "Okay, well I'm off to work. Bella is here, so if you guys need something there's lunch money on the counter." he said and walked downstairs. I looked at Paul. "Okay, get up and go shower mister. I know for a fact you have patrol today." I said and push him to the floor. "Hey!" he laughed. "Not cool babe." he said as he stood up. I shrugged. "Are you okay?" he asked as he hugged me. I smiled. "Never better. Why?" I asked. He shrugged. "You were tossing and turning a lot last night. he said. I smiled. "Sometimes I'm just restless.Now go shower." I said and pointed to my bathroom. He smirked. "Only if you join me." he said, causing me to roll my eyes. "Not today cowboy. Go." I said and shoved him towards my bathroom. He laughed and headed to shower. Another knock on my door. "Cole? I'm coming in." I heard Bella say. I bolted into the bathroom, locking the door and leaning against the door. I turned and saw Paul, he looked at me and smirked. I held a finger to my lips and looked away. "Cole? You in here?" Bella questioned. "Yeah Bella. I'm in the shower!" I shouted. "Oh, okay. Well I'm gonna go to the store. I wanted to know if you wanted anything." she said from outside my bathroom door. "Yeah, on my dresser there's a list of stuff I need." I called out. "Okay! I got it, see you later." she said and I heard my bedroom door close. I sighed. Paul smiled "I knew you couldn't resist." he chuckled as he got out and wrapped a towel around him. I smacked his arm. "Shut up. I might as well shower now since I'm in here. Don't you have patrol? I asked. He towered over me. "Please, you can't resist me, and yeah, I'm getting dressed and leaving." he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "I will throw shampoo in your eyes Paul. I mean it." I told him. He raised his hands in surrender. "I'm done anyway." he said and kisses me, heading back to my room to dry off and get dressed. "Finally I can shower in peace." I shouted as a joke. I heard him laugh. I finished my shower and headed into my room. Paul was already dressed. He smiled at me. "Make yourself useful and go into my closet and pick me an outfit." I said as I started putting lotion on my legs and arms. He nodded, heading into my closet and grabbing an outfit. "Here babe." he said and set it on my bed. I smiled and pecked his cheek. "Thank you." I said, and kissed him goodbye as he jumped out of my window and took off. I rolled my eyes before getting dressed in the outfit he grabbed.

I decided to leave my hair wet and I braided it into a fishtail braid, putting it over my shoulder

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I decided to leave my hair wet and I braided it into a fishtail braid, putting it over my shoulder. I decided on no makeup today. I shook my head. I headed downstairs. I was around 10 o'clock, Bella wasn't back yet. I wrote a note telling her to call me when she gets home and that I would be back a little after lunch time. I headed off to the bookshop in town and did a little shopping and decided I would head to Port Angles and get the guys a little something. I got Jared a video game because it's Jared, and I got Sam and Emily a gift card to a restaurant they loved. I bought all of their gifts and as I was walking buy the hardware store, I saw a mechanic set. It would be perfect for Jacob. Me and Jacob had been bestfriends before me and Paul got together, he had said Paul was a bad influence and dangerous. Part of Sam's 'cult' and I would get hurt. It led to a horrible fight and him saying I was a terrible friend. I had went home in tears that night, broken. Paul had told me the truth the next day, about the pack and everything. Jacob apologized, he said he was sorry and we were friends again. But after I phased, I haven't seen him, it's not safe for me to be around him. I shook my head and I headed inside. I bought it for him and as I got in my truck my cell rang. "Hello?" I said as I answered. "Hey, it's Bella." she said. "Hey, I'm about done, you want something from the diner?" I asked. She told me no. "Okay, well I have to go meet Paul, I'll be back later." I said and hung up. I headed to the res. I stopped by Billy's first. He was outside, having just got back from Harry's. "Hey, Billy. Is Jake here?" I asked. "No he's at Quil's place with Embry." he told me. "Oh, well when he gets home, can you give this to him?" I said and grabbed the gift. Billy nodded. "Thanks. Tell him I miss you." I said and handed the gift to Billy. "It won't be like this forever Cole." Billy said. I nodded. "I know. I gotta go." I said, hugging him and hopping into my truck and heading to Sam's. "Guys! I come with gifts!" I said as I got out of the truck. Jared came running out, hugging me. "I knew there was a reason I loved you!" he shouted. "Jared let her go!" Sam shouted. "Now, or I won't give you your gift." I said, he left me go quickly and I handed him his gift, and I tossed Sam his. "Is Paul back?" I asked, Sam shook his head. "Well, tell him I'll call him later, I would stay but I gotta go spend time with my sister." I said and got back in the truck, driving back home. "I'm back!" I said as I walked in. "Kitchen!" Bella called. I headed into the kitchen, putting my bags on the table. "Did you get my stuff?" I asked. She nodded and pointed to the bag on the counter. "Where's my ice cream?" I asked. "It's in the freezer, so it wouldn't melt. I knew you'd probably kill me." she laughed and I did too. I walking over to the freezer and grabbed the half gallon of ice cream. "Mmm red velvet cake ice cream." I said. "I'm gonna go put this in the freezer in my mini fridge in my room because dad will eat this all if I don't." I said and grabbed all my stuff and took it upstairs and put all my snacks and ice cream in my mini fridge and my books away. I headed back downstairs. "You wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked Bella. If we were gonna live together I might as well be nice. She nodded. "Yeah, you wanna get some food?" she asked. "Yeah, you okay with Chinese?" I asked. She smiled. "How did you know?" she said and picked up the phone and ordered me and her some food. "What movie?" I asked. She shrugged. "Sleeping Beauty?" she asked. I shrugged. "Sure." I said, grabbing the movie and turning it on. The food came a few minutes after the movie started. "I got it." I said, getting up and grabbing the lunch money dad left, and going and paying for our food, before heading back into the living room. I handed Bella her food. "I missed this." she said. "Missed what?" I asked. "Us. Being sisters." she told me as we ate. I just nodded. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe living with Bella could be fun.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally here is chapter 7! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I love you my witches and wizards! See you in the next update!!

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