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Finally! Here is chapter six! I finally have wifi again and I can update my stories again! Enjoy my witches and wizards!!!


(Cole's POV)

I woke up the next morning trapped in Paul's arm in a strong bear hug. I looked at him and saw he was still asleep, so I slipped out of his arms, slowly, so I wouldn't wake him, and headed into the bathroom to shower. Once I was done, I headed back into his room to get dressed. Once I was dressed, I saw Paul was still asleep, so I headed into the kitchen to start on a small breakfast before we headed to Emily's, because we would end up eating there again anyway. As I started to make the pancakes, I heard footsteps, and a pair of large, strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Good morning sleepy head. What are you doing awake so early?" I asked. He groaned. "The bed got cold." he complained. I laughed. "And you're just now waking up?" I questioned. He smirked. "No, I was awake when you got out of the shower. You look hot with and without a towel by the way." he said cockily. I gasped. This asshole watched me get dressed. "You perv! You watched me get dressed!" I squealed and blushed. He turned me around in his arms so I was looking at him. He nodded. "Yes I did, don't get so embarrassed. You're made for me, no matter what you look like. I'm gonna see it all one day anyway." he smirked. I hit him with the spatula. "Someone's cocky." I told him and he shrugged. I rolled my eyes and put the pancakes on plates for us and started making bacon and when the bacon was done I fixed both of our plates and we went and sat at the table to eat. When I finished my food, I put my plate in the sink and headed to go clean up some while Paul went to shower. After I cleaned, I sat on the couch and stared at the ring he gave me last night. It was just so beautiful and the fact that he cared so much to get it for me was an amazing feeling and made my heart soar. I heard the shower turn off, meaning Paul was done and we would be heading to Em's as soon as he got ready, so I put on my shoes and headed to the room to see if he was ready. "Hey, baby, I was wondering if you-" I said but cut myself off as I walked into the room, seeing Paul just finishing getting dressed, if you could call it that since he hardly ever wears a shirt. "If i what?" he asked, coming over and nuzzling his face into my neck. "If you were ready to go." I told him, he nodded and placed a kiss on my neck then bit me, he smirked. "Ow! Paul! Stop!" I yelped, laughing. He stopped and looked at me. "Shit Cole! I'm sorry,I-he started to say but I cut him off. "It's okay Paul. I love you." I told him with a smirk, and pulled away from him. "Baby! Where are you going?" he whined. I laughed. "WE are going to be late to meet everyone! But, if you behave today, you might get get a surprise." I said, winking at him and strutting into the hall towards the front door. I heard his footsteps chasing after me as I walked out of the front door. "Not cool babe!" he whined, causing me to laugh as we got into my truck to go to Emily's. As we drove to Em's, Paul kept his hand placed firmly on my thigh, I rolled my eyes and stared out the window. When we got to Emily's, I hopped out of the truck and ran straight to the kitchen. " Emily!" I called as I ran past the guys. "Yes?" she called back. "When the guys go on patrol do you want to go shopping? I need some girl time." I asked her as I got to the kitchen. She nodded. "Honestly, I do too Cole." she said and looked at me with a smile. "These boys drive me crazy." she continued. I nodded and we burst out laughing. We took breakfast out to the guys and Jared looked at me. "Hey, Cole, what's that on your neck?" he laughed. I pulled out my phone and turned on the camera to see what he meant. Sure enough, there was a red mark where Paul had bit me earlier. "PAUL!" I screamed and threw my fork at him, he ducked out of the way. " It's nothing. He bit me earlier." I pouted. The guys stared to laugh. "When you boys are done eating, we need to head out for patrol." Sam said and turned to Emily and me. "When you to go shopping make sure you keep your phones on you just in case." he said. Me and Emily rolled our eyes but nodded. When the guys finished eating, Paul kissed me goodbye and Sam kissed Emily. "Be safe." they told us at the same time. "We will." we replied. Once they left, me and Em did the dishes and left to go shopping. As I'm driving, Emily looks at me. "What's on your mind?" she asks, causing me to look at her. "I'm thinking about doing something for Paul's birthday." I told her simply as we arrived in Port Angles. "What like a romantic dinner or something?" she asked, shocked. I nodded. "Ooo!" she squealed. I laughed. "It's not a big deal Em." I told her. She shook her head. "It totally is! It's for his birthday!" she squealed again. I rolled my eyes. "We've been talking about his birthday, but I want to surprise him." I told her as we parked and headed into the shops. She sighed. "Well we can pick up some stuff before we head back if you want." she told me. I looked at her incredulously. "What, you'll help me plan it and pick an outfit?" I gasped and she nodded, causing me to blush. " A-all right." I stammered. While we shopped she gave me advice. We each ended up getting three outfits and matching necklaces, and I got some charm bracelets. (Her outfits, bracelets, and the matching necklaces below).

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