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Here is the next chapter! Be prepared for some slight drama in this one! It's gonna be intense lol! Enjoy my witches and wizards!!!!


Me and Bella stayed up until like midnight, and we finally made our way upstairs and to our rooms and headed to bed. The next morning Dad woke me up. "Cole. Nicole. Wake up." he said as he shook me awake. I groaned. "Yeah Dad?" I asked sleepily. "I need you to take Bella to school today, and take her home, and since you're out today cause of your school, you can stay there with her. You don't have to, but that's is something I'll let you decide. Her truck wont start and I've already called her principal and everything. So get up." he said and left the room. I growled and got dressed.

After I was dressed, I called Sam

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After I was dressed, I called Sam. "Hey Sam, I can't come by today." I told him. He sighed. "Why?" he questioned on the other side of the phone. "Dad is making me take my sister to and from school and I have to play babysitter." I told him, he growled. "Great. Just don't cause any trouble with them." he said. "Gotcha." I said and hang up. "Let's go Bella." I call as I walk downstairs. "Coming!" she yelled and followed me out the door. We get in the truck and start heading to her school. "Why don't you go to school with me?" she asked and I roll my eyes. "I like the rez better. School is shorter and I know everyone there. Besides, I can't go to school here." I say as I park,making sure to scent the area to make sure I don't park near the Cullen. "Why not?" she questioned. I shook my head. "Reasons you won't understand ever." I said. She opened her mouth to speak but she stopped when I glared at her. We got out and started walking towards the school. I saw the Cullens and I glared at them. I then realized that they were all staring at my sister. I resisted the urge to let out a low growl, only because Sam alpha commanded me. I sighed. ' Great' I thought. Guess I was staying here after all.

I sat through her classes and the bell for lunch rang and she showed me the lunch room. I saw her stare at the table where the Cullen clan sat, causing me to glare at them. "Bella!" I heard a shout and turned. A group of kids were waving her over. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to them. "Hey guys. This is my sister Cole. This is Jessica, Angela, Mike, Eric, and Tyler." she said as she introduced us. I nodded at them. "Sup." I said. "OMG, I love your clothes!" Jessica squeals. I smirk. "Thanks." I say and sit by them. "La Push, baby, you in?" Eric says and looks at Bella. "Should I know what that means?" she asks. "La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow." Mike said as he stared at me. "Yeah, there's a big swell coming in." Jessica said "And I don't just surf the internet." Eric says and laughs. I chuckle. "Eric, you stood up once and it was a foam board." Jessica said and shoved him. "But there's whale watching too. Come with us. And Cole can come too." Angela said and smiled at me. "I'm always at La Push, I go to school on the rez, and my boyfriend and my friends live there too. So you may see me." I laugh. Eric kept repeating La Push over and over again. "Okay I will go if you stop saying that." Bella said and her friends cheer. Bella went to get some salad and I saw her talking to a Cullen. "Cole, why don't you come here with Bella?" Jessica asked. "I like the Rez so much better." I said simply. She nodded. Soon lunch was over, and we headed to Bella's biology class. I saw her sit next to the Cullen boy she was talking to earlier. "Bells, I'm just gonna wait this one out in my truck, hurry after school is over, I got places to be." I said, glaring at the vampire next to her, and heading towards my truck.

On the way to my truck, I saw the Volvo, and I saw there was a big, white Jeep beside it, along with the Volvo and a red Mercedes-Benz. With a couple Cullen family members beside them. I whistled. It was a nice Jeep, it just sucked that a leech was driving it y'know? I climbed in the truck to wait for Bella, and rolled the windows down a tad because why not. My phone rang and I saw that Paul was calling me. I answered. "Hey babe." I said simply. "Where are you?!" he growled, he was worried. I smirked. "Chill, hothead. I'm at Bella's school. Dad made me play big sister today. And before you ask me, yes I told Sam." I said, as I glanced out my window, I saw the Cullens, particularly the big one, were staring at my truck from across the lot. "Well, are you safe? Have they tried to hurt you?" he ranted. I laughed, both at Paul and the looks on the faces on the vampires outside my truck. "No, Paul, they haven't, and if they did, I'm a big girl, I can protect myself. I put Sam on his ass last time we practiced. And Jared." I said and I heard two offended "heys!" come from beside Paul. "I love you, I gotta go, and I promise I will tell you everything tonight." I said with a smirk as I hear him chuckle. "You better." he says and hangs up. I look out the window to see Bella at the door. I unlocked her door and she got in. "Let's get you home, I got plans tonight." I told her as I sped out of the lot and headed home. Bella headed inside and I headed to the rez. When I got there, Paul was pacing back and forth on Sam's porch. When he saw my truck pull up he ran to it. "ARE YOU OKAY?!"Paul freaked out as I got out of the truck. "Calm down babe, I'm fine." I say as I kiss him. "Come on guys, we have a council meeting. Let's get to Billy's." Sam says and we all head off to Billy's. When we got there, Billy and the council elders looked really worried. "What's going on?" I asked and Billy turned to look at me. This can't be good.


Here is chapter eight I hope you guys enjoyed it! I love you all so much my witches and wizards!

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