chapter 1

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elena was sitting on the couch watching her friends pace around her after the events of earlier

elena was sitting in the bathroom waiting on the results of her pregnancy test to come in she had been feeling sick to her stomach and she knew that there was a chance

her phone alarm beeped she stood up and looked at the results 4 tests all read the same answer'POSITIVE'

"elena" caroline said she walked in the bathroom and gasped"elena"

"umm umm" elena said

caroline grabbed the pregnancy test and put it in her pocket and vamped elena to the salvatore boarding house where bonnie and stefan were going through the grimore"whats wrong" bonnie asked

"caroline let me go" elena shouted she didn't want to be here

"no you have some explaining to do" caroline said

"whats wrong now" damon said coming down the stairs

"elena is pregnant here's proof" caroline said and took out the pregnancy test

"what" stefan yelled

"can i leave now" elena said she didn't want to have to explain herself

"how are you pregnant" stefan said

"we broke up like 4 months ago how about you stay out my business" elena said

"well its a vampire baby i can tell you that for sure the heartbeat is faint but its still there" caroline said

"elena" bonnie asked she knew there was something going on and that elena didn't want to deal with it but she had to

"i can't tell you bonnie any of you and don't try to compel me either" elena said she couldn't tell them what happened it would hurt them so much

"sit down take a breath" caroline said she knew that elena was 

"so what's going on elena you have to tell us something" bonnie said

"no i don't you know of him but not him" elena said she wanted to keep this as simple as possible she knew if they knew they were going to be mad"i'm not telling you anything can i go now"

"no and why not" caroline siad she loved her best friend but she wanted t know

"cause i can't your gonna get me killed caroline" elena said

"who is gonna kill you what are you talking about" damon said

"y'all are gonna get me killed if he finds out my life won't matter this kid won't matter so keep your mouth's shut i gotta go" elena said she got up and ran out she went to her lake house she had resigned the lease a week ago she went to her room and cried into her pillow

"what was that" caroline asked she never seen her best friend so broken  she didn't like it she wanted to help any way that she could"whatever it was i hate it"

"she's scared out of her mind what happened with her and why didn't we know" bonnine said

"well she doesn't want my help so i'm going to my room" stefan said and walked upstairs

"please you gotta help us she could have been raped for all we know she's a human she's not strong enough to fight against a vampire who is so much older than she is" caroline siad

"i'll try" damon said

"don't turn it off and get mad for all we know its a random vampire don't jump to conclusions not yet" bonnie said

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