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School the next morning sucked

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School the next morning sucked. Not just because it was school, though I could do without it, but because Hopper was acting like more of a dick than he usually was. He and I got into a big fight last night about me walking out on him and about my costume. He was worried that it revealed too much of my tattoo, but I really didn't care. It's not like anyone would question it.

He got mad at me for not being mad at Steve for leaving me at the party, but I told him that a friend drove me home and he said that he'd want to meet this 'friend' before he could drive me anywhere.

This morning, El and Hopper got in a fight about not being able to see Mike. I don't really know if I should say it was bigger than Hopper and I's, just because I didn't use my abilities against him and El did, but Hopper and I did yell at each other and fight for a long time. With El, they just yelled, threw a table and that was that.

Hours later, as I sat in Chemistry, I was thinking about it. You could tell that I was mad because I go unusually quiet. I don't even try to talk to anyone nor do I smile. I played Hopper and I's argument over and over in my head, contemplating how he would be today when I get home.

"Lili," I heard my name being called. I shot my head up and looked around. Everyone was staring at me, even Billy who was sat next to me in the back. I felt my ears and cheeks get hot, and I heard one girl scoff, saying, "White people."

"Uh..." I trialed, not knowing what was going on. I saw Billy sigh and shift in his seat to lean forward. He held his pen up in the air.

"I'll take it," he said to the teacher. The teacher snapped his attention away from me and looked at Billy. He smiled and wrote something down.

"Thank you Mister Hargrove, you and Miss Turner will be a swell couple," he said. That seemed to make me a bit more sober to the situation.

"C-couple?" I stuttered, leaned my head forward, ready to fight the teacher.

"Partners..." the teacher said, looking at me like I hit me head. I turned to Billy who had his hand resting loosely in front of his mouth to hide a grin. I rolled my eyes at him, finally understanding what was happening.

"No 'thank you'?" I heard him ask quietly.

"Why would I thank you?" I shot back at him, making sure that the teacher wouldn't hear us, or anyone else.

"Saving your ass," he said.

"Well, no thank you, I could've handled myself," I sighed.

"Yeah, you looked like you had it all under control as you stuttered like an idiot," Billy snickered.

"Y'know what Hargrove?" I turned to him. He raised his brows and that's when I realized that anything that would've came out of my mouth would've just boosted his ego, or he could use my words against me.

"What?" He pressed.

"Never mind," I mumbled, turning back to the front.

"Be sure to be at the front of the school as soon as the day's over," he said huffed.

 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑 | b. hargrove¹ Where stories live. Discover now