Chapter 3

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The Sun name, I thought.

We walked on and saw a teleportation station nearby. "We can teleport through here. Do you have any teleportation crystals?" Luna asked.

I checked my inventory and said, "I don't. Sorry about that. I guess I didn't come prepared."

One of the guild members chuckled. "You sure she's up to this?" a man said. He had spiky blonde hair with hazel eyes that held a snide look. 

Luna glared at him. "We all make mistakes, Rowan. It's not like you have teleportation crystals every time after a battle. You sometimes ask Cora to lend you the crystals," Luna said, rolling her eyes.

"Sometimes, but not always," Rowan pointed out.

"Shut up," Luna said.

"Can you two hurry it up?" a girl, I assumed was Cora, asked impatiently.

Luna and Rowan glared at each other and then finally held their teleportation crystals. Luna handed me one and said, "Teleport: Tasimo."

A bright light just like the one that changed my look enveloped us for a few seconds and then faded. We arrived at a town with chattering NPCs and players buying materials. We walked to a really big house at the end of the town.  

Luna opened the door and I felt the warm air inside the room. It was spacious and cozy at the same time. "Feel free to look around," Luna offered. I saw a window at the end of the hallway and looked to see a big wide area.

"Is this a training deck?" I asked. Luna walked beside me and nodded. "Oh, speaking of training, in order for you to actually train, you have to join the guild!" Luna exclaimed.

"But I thought I was already part of the guild," I replied.

"You're just a recruit. I need to take you to our leader," Luna explained as she pulled my arm and walked downstairs.

She turned on a light and led me towards a door. I looked at her in confusion, but she smirked back. She opened it and inside was a really big chamber. Guards dressed in black armor saluted Luna. She acknowledged them and we walked forward.

I saw a figure with a silver chest plate, jet black armor, and a cape. His face was stern and his blonde hair slicked back into a ponytail. He sat on his chair, or throne I should say, that was bedecked with jewels.

Luna bowed and said, "Commander Kriyos, I bring you a recruit. I have seen her fight and she could be useful to the-"

"Silence! We don't need anymore recruits. We have enough. You're dismissed," the commander cut her off in a serious voice.

But Luna kept going on. "But, Commander. We can trust her. Her skills could help us conquer the floors of Aincrad. With enough training, I promise, she will be ready to help us clear all 100 floors."

Kriyos didn't say anything nor give a command to silence her. He stood up and examined me closely. "Show me your sword," he said in a monotone voice. I reluctantly pulled the saber out of my sheath and gave it to him.

He ran his fingers across the silver blade. "A saber. Excellent choice," he commented without meaning. He looked at me and his nonchalant expression faded into a hard look.

"I have never seen one of my elite bring a recruit besides Luna. If you are truly what she says, you better prove it to me. I don't want weak soldiers. They're only good for being a hindrance to my guild and should be thrown out. Don't be like them. You understand?" Kriyos said sternly.

"Y-yes, Commander!" I managed to speak. Kriyos turned to one of the guards and said, "Start the recruiting process."

Wait, what's the recruiting process? This wasn't in the tutorial!

I turned to Luna with apprehension, but she reassured me, "Don't worry. All they will do is put this on you."

She tucked her hair back and showed me her cheek. The symbol! I nodded carefully. The guard called me and I walked with him. He brought me to an empty room with an oak desk. "Sit on the desk," he said in a gruff voice.

I brought myself up and sat down. He pulled out an embosser with the same symbol that was on Luna's cheek. He also pulled out a lighter and carefully waved it around the embosser. He looked at me and said, "Okay. All you have to do is relax."

He held my shoulder and printed the image. I shrieked as the heat burned my skin. Finally, he pulled the embosser out and said, "Congratulations. You're one of us now. Let me go through the joining process. Oh, and here's a mirror."

He handed me a small mirror and I turned my head to look at my cheek. It had the same symbol as everyone. I'm part of a guild...I'm part of a guild...!

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