Chapter 9

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The next day, Reo and I met up and we looked for NPC's with quests. Our food supply was low and our col was limited. It was about eight months ever since we got the reward from defeating the Shadowstalker.

"It's no use. We're going to have to advance into the next floor and find more quests and col there," Reo said.

"Advance into the next floor? Are we even ready yet? Maybe we should keep looking," I suggested. 

But Reo simply shook his head. "We already looked everywhere. It's time we go on," he said.

"We only looked through the town, not the whole floor," I said, raising my voice.

"Do you really think we have time to look through the whole seventh floor?" Reo asked.

"Reo, it's not going to be that hard!" I exclaimed.

"Not going to be hard?! Uh, yes it is! The seventh floor is one of the biggest floors in Aincrad! We don't have time to keep looking everywhere!" Reo cried.

"We have teleportation crystals!" I yelled.

"But we don't have enough!" Reo yelled back.

"Which is why we need to keep looking!" I exclaimed, frustrated that he was not seeing the matter that clearly.

"Nikki, do you want to go home?!" Reo yelled, angry.

"Hell, yes! But we can't rush!" I shouted.

"We have to rush! I want to go home as much as you do, but you're stopping me!" Reo shouted back.

Stopping you...stopping YOU?!

"I'm helping you, for goodness sake! You're too reckless and you want to get things done!" I cried angrily.

"Helping me?! You're the one who's been putting up an attitude! Unlike you, I want to get out of this piece of crap!" Reo yelled as he pushed me back.

"I do too, Reo! But you're being-"

"I'm being a what? A bully? A jerk? An idiot? Sure, call me whatever you want. Maybe you don't want to leave because you didn't sever your friendship with Luna, right?"

That was it. Once Reo said her name, I blew.

"Shut up!! I thought that you were better than Luna was, but I was wrong!! Luna treated me with kindness and respect, but you here are rambling on about me stopping you and being a jerk! I regret giving you col during the Shadowstalker quest and I regret listening to you about the Sun Shadow!! I HATE YOU!!!" I yelled, pouring out the words that came to my mind.

But I immediately felt remorse once I saw Reo widen his eyes. He narrowed them and barely said, "If that's how you feel, then go. Good luck out there."

He pulled up a screen and it said "PARTY MEMBER(S)." He saw my name and clicked on it. It deleted and on the left of my vision, his HP bar was gone. He unfriended me...

Reo looked at me, blank. Then he turned and left. I wanted to scream out his name and make him come back, but I couldn't. My mouth couldn't open and say how sorry I was. I crumbled down on my knees and sobbed miserably, just like I did last time.

I left Luna and now Reo. What is wrong with me?

I heard footsteps ahead of me and quickly wiped my tears. 


I looked up, hoping to see him in front of me. I was ready to tell him how sorry I was and that I was the one being a stupid idiot.

But I saw black armor, cyan hair, and violet eyes tinted with malice.

"Nikki. How nice of you to drop in!" the figure said, in a fake cheery voice.

I already knew that voice, and I didn't want to hear it.


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