Chapter 4

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"Okay, first of all, in order to be actually part of the guild, I need to give you permission. Here," Luna stated as she pulled up a screen and clicked on a button.

I looked at my screen and in blue font, it said, "Join party member(s)." I immediately clicked "JOIN" and I saw Luna's name and HP bar below mine. I smiled and said, "I can't believe I'm actually part of a guild!"

Luna laughed in amusement, "Nikki, you have a lot to learn!"

We were about to go outside when our screens popped out. It was a meeting from Commander Kriyos. My first meeting!

"Come on. We probably have a mission. If we get assigned, I can help you out," Luna offered. I blinked gratefully at her. I only met Luna yesterday and she offers me so much, I thought. 

We reached the basement and opened the door to the chamber. I saw lots of people dressed in black. I guess I didn't get the memo since I was still in my usual armor. 

"Attention, guild members. As you know, our mission is to conquer the 100th floor. This will continue and nothing will get in our way," the commander stated. 

"I have assigned you places in the fourth and fifth floors. You will go and get as much information and col as possible. If, in rare cases, killing is of a necessity, you may proceed," Kriyos said.

Killing? As in, killing a monster? Or a player?

I looked around to see if any of them reacted, but everyone held a straight gaze, even Luna. 

"I will assign you all starting with the elite. Elite squad, come forward," Kriyos said.

About ten people including Luna stood up. Luna looked at me and said, "I'll try to convince Commander Kriyos to assign us together. If not, good luck."

I acknowledged her and wished her good luck. Luna walked up to the Commander along with the other elite players. Unfortunately, when Luna came and told me that she couldn't get me to be assigned with her, I sighed in disappointment.

"Don't worry, Nikki. Maybe next time we will be partners," Luna reassured. I nodded and bid her goodbye as she was exiting the door with the other elite players. Commander Kriyos exclaimed, "Members of the guild, come forward. You will be the next to be assigned to your stations!"

I walked forward along with thirty-five other players. I waited for my assignment patiently and finally, Kriyos said, "Nikki, I have a special assignment for you. After all, you are new here."

I heard amused whispers all around me and I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. The commander said, "You will be going alone on this assignment. Your job is on the fifth floor and you should do a perimeter check to make sure of anyone suspicious or any info that seems very useful. Kill any monster or anyone if you must."

He added in a deep whisper, "Do not make me regret Luna's decision to recruit you. She is one of my elite. Don't disappoint me."

I felt my heart pound as he whispered those words to me. "I'll do my best, Commander," I confidently replied. He nodded in acknowledgment and dismissed all of us. We were about to leave the chamber when Kriyos called my name.

"Nikki, wait. You're still in your original armor. You have to dress like us," he stated. I turned to him and he sent a bunch of items including the armor and the black hood. I pulled my inventory tab and pressed the items.

A white light enveloped my body and my usual armor was gone. Instead, I was dressed with a silver chest plate, dark gray armor, black boots, and a hood. I saluted him and he was obviously pleased. I left the room, promising myself that I was going to prove Kriyos wrong for Luna.

Get ready, Commander. You'll see what I'm made of...

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