Letters to Kyle and Stan #1

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anonymous asked:

Hey Kyle, are you okay? Got any leads yet on what's happening? How are you holding up after what just happened??

I covered alot of it in the last post here , but I've calmed down a bit since I've written that. I think I'm doing okay. I've been still searching since I posted last and..and im still stuck. im still at a dead end. i dont know what to do anymore



anonymous asked:

Hey there Stan, how are you doing today? Have you heard from Kyle at all? I hope you're okay, I'm worried about you guys.

They moved my stuff to a separate room so I'm no longer sharing a room with Tweek. It's kind of scary, but I'm just putting on a brave face for now. Tweek was telling me he thought he saw someone staring at me at night through a window, but maybe he's dreaming.

Um, last time I saw Kyle we were...uh..kind of fighting...I'll talk about that another time...

But I haven't heard from him since yesterday. He doesn't even know about the room change....I'm scared to be by myself.

I'm scared to be by myself

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anonymous asked:

Stan I need you to know the situation you are in isn't your fault at all. I know this because I have been in the exact place you are. I know the allure of death is tempting far too tempting and seems like the ultimate freedom, but it comes at a cost hurting and/or destroying all those who care for you. So anytime you feel like giving letting depression win and hurting or killing yourself remember that would destroy Kyle the person who loves you most. The exact reason you can't harm yourself.

 The exact reason you can't harm yourself

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 shineyboysparky asked:

Kyle please don't be mad at Stan? He really truly loves you with all his heart. Stan honestly is just terrified by everything going on around going on around him and is acting irrational because of it. Don't blame him for lashing out at you. His illness just takes control of his thoughts and make him say and do anything to justify wanting and trying to successfully kill him. It's a terrible responsibility but it's your job to keep that from happening to him. I am sorry it has to be this way.

we didnt fight over his mental state. I know hes irrational sometimes, but he's usually self-attacking and not usually attacking others. We uh, we had a fight when he saw me smoking. I had to step out for a smoke like three times and stan got really angry. I should have been calmer with him, but i just blew up. Not my proudest moment i guess.



shineyboysparky asked:

Kyle. You shouldn't smoke period. It's ok slow method of killing yourself. #PSA #SmokingKills

yep trying to speed the process up here, chief


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