week two: noon

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I found Jennie sitting in front of a pile of money instead of food, as usual. Jungkook came over and dropped his own money pile on the table –and also some organs.

"Hm. Not bad." Jennie hummed. "I prefer to exert a little less effort for my income."

Right when she finished her sentence, a dejected swamp creature slumped over to the table. We watched it in silence. It added some money to Jennie's pile and left.

"Income?" Jungkook asked as soon as the creature started getting away from the table. "You mean this stuff?" He smirked. "This is just what people throw at me to get me to stop punching them."

"And this is what people throw at me to keep me from revealing what kind of porn they are into." Jennie smirked in return. "But I agree, the money is only secondary. The frowns on their faces are their own reward." She shrugged. "Still, I'm always looking to improve efficiency."

"Have you tried developing business contacts in hell?" Jungkook asked. "Your victims will be even more terrified if they know death won't save them!"

"Yeah, but that doesn't work on the undead. For those, you need a priest." I interjected.

"A PRIEST?" Jungkook yelled. "You know how my family feels about priests!"

"Calm down, I didn't mean anything."

"Ugh, I'm sick of terrorizing people one at a time." He said turning to Jennie, totally ignoring my presence. "There's gotta be a way to terrorize everybody in the cafeteria at once."

"And make money at the same time." Jennie added. "I'm sure there is. That is, after all, the essence of capitalism..."

As Jennie and Jungkook started thinking in silence, an idea popped into my mind.

"Hey, guys." I called to them. Now they were both staring at me. "Why don't we trick everyone in the cafeteria into having an orgy or something? And then we can film it, use it to blackmail everyone."

Jennie thought for a moment. "Simple, elegant, raunchy... I like your style."

"But how are we going to trick a whole room full of people having an orgy?"

"Don't tell me you don't know how to do that."

"Is this... Is this something you do all the time?" Jungkook asked in confusion.

"Is this something you don't do all the time?" Jennie asked, mocking him. "I though you were a prince of hell."

"Yeah, but I'm prince of the burny part of hell, not the sexy part of hell."

"That explains it." Jennie sighed. "Well, to answer your question: this is a room full of high schoolers. A slight breeze could instigate an orgy." Then she added. "Although the 'succubus juice' I snuck into the sloppy joes won't hurt either."

And it certainly doesn't! Jennie, Jungkook and I retreated to a safe distance to film the sexy carnage... and to avoid the fluids.

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