Twenty two

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I said I was going to do it but it ended up just in and out of my mind

Also do you guys want a Q&A with the characters at the end of each chapter instead of just "Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote"?

Just asking so y'all could interview the characters

Anyways enjoy

Thea's POV

"Caw caw"

"Yeah And So they would wake me up at 2 or 3 in the morning for me to cook for them EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW HOW TO COOK" I rant as I give Raven a small bowl of blueberries

Yes I named the Raven Raven

Hey don't judge me I told her to caw caw to the names I read to her after we came home from Macs and Dorthy's and that lasted about 3 hours of me just naming names after I dropped Jake off at the airport before I just said Raven and it caw cawed

And yes it's a girl

I then see Sierra come in "Mom are you talking to Raven again?" Sierra ask in a groggy voice while opening up the fridge

"Yes, yes I am" I say flipping the pancakes

"Weirdo" Sebastian says coming in and sitting in one of the chairs "speak for yourself, you literally shove cookies in your fanny pack" I exclaim and I hear a huff coming from him

"Caw caw caw" Raven says pushing her bowl away

I grave another bowl and put a bit of water in it and place it down for her

"Mom why couldn't we just sleep over at Luca and Lisa's house?" Theodore says in a groggy voice while sitting down next to Sebastian and soon the other two come in

"I thought the bird was a dream" Esteban says, Raven starts flying over to rest on top of his head

"I think she likes me" He says looking up at Raven and back at me

"She looks like you" Carter says making me smile and shake my head while putting down their plates of pancakes

"WE SMELL PANCAKES" I hear shouting come from the living room and stomping coming near only to see Luca, Lisa, Mac and Dorthy running in

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask putting some more pancake batter into the pan

"Yeah about that I was too lazy to make breakfast" Dorthy says and Mac looks at her weirdly

"Ya like ill let you in the kitchen" Mac says making me laugh

"wake up early tomorrow" I hear Mason say in a groggy voice as he comes in

"Why?" I question as I see a knowing look in Mac and Dorthys face

I put the pancakes in three more plates and give it to Sierra, Lucy and Luca

"C-Caw?" Raven ask flying over to Masons shoulder

Mason then pats Raven on her head and the quads jump up in excitement as they nudge Sebastian

"Dad can you take us to the game store?" Sebastian ask with puppy eyes, making me shake my head since they always set up Sebastian to ask for stuff saying that he's the "baby he gets away with anything"

"Thea how do you speak English so well?" Dorthy ask out of the blue and I pass her, Mac and Mason a plate of pancakes

I just raise my eyebrow in confusion "It's cause from what I've heard you were born in California but raised in Mexico before you came to California again for a few months and then you were shipped to London for boarding school" Dorthy rambles and I nod understanding her now and I take my seat with my plate of pancakes in hand

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