Thirty Four

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Thea's POV

2 days later

Me and Sarah peek our heads just a bit above the kitchen isle to see Gary making Stella laugh.

Unfortunately Sarah moved in saying that she got "kicked out" but I know that she only moved here to see Ethan.

She didn't even ask if she could move in! When I got back from breakfast yesterday I found her moving her boxes in and me being me I threatened to kill her if she didn't get the hell out. It didn't end up working cause she just laughed it off and well she's the psychic so might as well keep her around.

"We should take a picture" Sarah whispers to me and I nod.

On the same note we ended up talking that night which resulted in a deep conversation at 3 in the morning about her life.

She takes out a disposable camera and just as I realized that those have a flash she takes a picture making us duck down.

"You idiot!" I whisper shout trying to crawl out of the kitchen and into the dining room as fast as possible.

"Sorry, old man and Miss Stella. I was just messing around with my camera" Esteban says appearing out of nowhere with his camera.

Oh yeah did I also mention that Sarah is the quads and Sierras teacher?

Weird huh?

Wait that's the second reason why she moved in.

Gary just looks annoyed before he spots me And Sarah crawling and then he looks pissed.

"Esteban" Gary says in a warning voice.

"Well would you look at that mom and miss Reeds cover has been blown. Bye!" Esteban says running out of the kitchen.

All of a sudden the kitchen door slams open again revealing Sebastian and Raven comes flying in.

"WAIT MY COOKIES ARE IN THE OVEN" he yells dramatically and then just waddles over to the oven.

Stella quickly grabs the mittens and opens the oven.

"Still needs a little bit of time" Sebastian says before waddling out and Raven following.

I could tell that Gary is trying to do his very best to not yell but it's not helping that I'm trying not to laugh while Sarah just moonwalks out.

I just have a big ass smile on my face as I walk over to the oven to see that the cookies are in fact already done.

Never trust Sebastian's timing on stuff.

Stella hands me the mittens and I take out the cookies and putting them on the stove and then turn off the oven.

I still have the big smile on as Gary just glares at me while Stella looks at me weird.

Probably cause she's never seen me smile as big as I'm smiling right now.

I walk out the kitchen and giggle to myself.

I turn to leave only to run into Mason making me fall flat on my ass.

"What are you built of?" I groan while looking up at him.

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