Fourty Five

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Thea's POV

I wake up to find myself on the ground.

Everything around me is black.

I start to rub my stomach and I start to feel empty. Something isn't right.

Where am I?

"I think Abuelo Miguel said that it was a... a c-coma?" I hear a familiar voice that I never thought I would hear again.

I turn and see that it was Lucas.

I let out a shaky breath and he just smiles at me.

"Hi momma" he says and I run to hug him but he disappears into thin air making me confused and sad.

"Your still alive, silly!" He says with a bit of a frown before he smiles again.

Tears start to gather up which makes him sad as he sees them fall.

"Are you okay, momma?" He ask and I nod.

"These are happy tears" I say wiping them away.

He looks like he doesn't believe me but decides not to say anything.

"I missed you so much" I say trying not to cry and he tilts his head a bit with a wide smile.

"I missed you too, momma. But Abuelo Miguel and Abuelita told me to tell you not to worry about me and baby sister. They said that they will take care of me and her while your still with my other siblings" he says excitedly clapping his hands.

Baby sister? 

"Wh-what did you say, Lucas?" I ask confused and he looks as if he just got in trouble.

"I'm sorry, momma but I have to go" he says but I shake my head no as I start to cry more.

"Don't, Don't leaves me again" I beg and he looks at me with a sad expression.

"You can't stay here, momma. They need you" he says before disappearing into thin air.

I start screaming for his name until I feel myself I waking up.


I start to hear people arguing. I try to ignore them but they keep getting louder and louder making my head pound.

I start to feel soreness spread all over my body.

I open my eyes looking up at the bright ceiling making me class my eyes again.

"I-it's t-too bright" I say hearing my hoarse voice.

The room goes quiet but I don't hear any movement.

I open my eyes once again letting my eyes adjusted to the light.

I look around the room to see Mason pinning Jake to the wall as he holds him by the collar.

"I didn't know... you were into that stuff... Mason" I joke and I start to laugh but it wasn't long that I begin to cough.

Jake and Mason look at me before Mason let's him go and goes over to my side.

When I see him sit I start to see it in his eyes that he's fuming.

Did something happen between both of them?

"Are you okay?" I ask and he lets out a chuckle. I notice that his eyes instantly soften.

"I should be the one saying that" he says referring to the state I'm in.

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