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Harley Golbach:

Harley Golbach:

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Colby Brock:

I groaned as I woke up

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I groaned as I woke up. I hate waking up. I love to sleep. All day if that could happen. I mean I could, but my older brother Sam Golbach is very... bossy and protective of me. He's only a year older than me. He's 222 years old. I'm 221. He finally is becoming the Vampire King of our kingdom.

Blood Rose Kingdom.

The founders of our kingdom, the first king and queen discovered a rose. A blood rose. Only found in our kingdom.

Sam has a mate. Her name is Katrina Stuart and she is absolutely awesome. I'm friends with her, but she is basically a sister to me. I'm friends with basically some of my brothers friends. Corey Scherer, Jake Webber, Devyn Lundy, Elton Castee, Amanda, Xepher Wolf, and Aaron Doh.

I've heard of a Colby Brock, but I've never met him. He lives in Kansas, but I guess he is moving here soon. Yes, he's a vampire that lives in the human world, but he decided to move to the vampire world with his friends.

I finally sat up from my bed and walked to my closet and picked out a dress. I'm going to a meeting. To welcome more vampires to the kingdom.

I have natural red hair

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I have natural red hair. I make it look good with anything.

I've got a deep blue ocean eye color

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I've got a deep blue ocean eye color. I've got curves of course. large breasts and a large bum. I'm not going to lie about that. I've got a toned six pack.

I grabbed my black pumps and slid them on. I decided on blood red lip stick and black eye shadow with black eyeliner. Duh.

I'm kinda short but kinda not. At least for me. 4'6. That's tall, right? I was finished and left my room. I walked down the stairs.

We might be vampires but we still eat human food and we drink blood when we need to. Like absolutely need to which is rare. Basically we are immortal.

I arrived in the kitchen and sat next to Sam who was sitting next to Kat. Mom and dad are sitting across from us. Our older sister is sitting next to me and our younger brother is sitting next to dad. It was silent.

Allison, my older sister didn't want to rule over the kingdom so it was passed down to Sam.

Ben, my younger brother is a quiet thing. He really is silent. Ever since the war started he hasn't spoke.

"Ben. Son. You need to speak. Your mom is scared" my dad said seriously. I looked up. Scared. Bens bottom lip trembled. I stood up and use my Vampire speed around the table towards Ben.

"Come on Harley, don't baby him" my dad snapped at me and I hissed at him. I sat down next to Ben. He might not be a baby but he's still my baby brother and I'll do anything to protect him. I hugged him while rubbing his back soothingly.

"It's okay" I whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry" He croaked. Everyone was shocked. I stood up, hugging him closer to me. "You didn't do anything" I said. I set him down. I wiped away his tears. "Your okay Ben. Don't worry. This war. It's almost over. So don't be quiet on us anymore. Okay" I said softly. He's taller then me by a bit.

"Alright. I'm sorry mom" he said hugging mom. I went back to my spot and started to eat my breakfast. It was back to the silence besides my mom and Ben whispering and giggling with each other. 

"Alright. Katrina I'll be back later. Come on Harley. It's time to greet the new vampires" Sam said. I sighed because I didn't finish eating. I nodded and used my Vampire speed to my room and brushed my teeth. Then I put some mint gum in my mouth.

I then rushed out of the house towards the gates of the kingdom where the portal will open soon and all kinds of new vampires will be here.

Sam turned on his friends playlist on from Spotify. Colby Brock's. I love every song. White girl was on and I started to sing along, word by word. Me and Kat absolutely love singing. We are the main vampire singers here in the Blood Rose kingdom.

After the song finished the portal opened and we turned it off and I was sad. Sam saw my face and laughed. The other vampires were smiling ear to ear. Happy to be here and to see how let loose our king is.

It's my brother. No dip Sherlock's. I've never really wanted a mate because I gave up looking when I was 113.  We were able to find our mates when we turned 17. I looked for a long time and gave up.

Also, I learned that it is easier to be an independent women. It's my turn to speak and since I'm short they have to spread out into a line so their attention is on me.

"My name is Harley Golbach. I'm the younger sister of the king and the beta of the queen. Welcome to the Blood Rose Kingdom. We are all very happy to have you here. I hope the travels here weren't to much and if so our apologies. I'll be taking you all around the kingdom. I'll show you your houses and the main places and stuff." I said.

Sam was smiling at me. I did better than yesterday. "I must go, my apologies. I have to help plan the ball. I'll try and speak to you all later" Sam said. They nodded and like that Sam was gone.

I started the tour. I showed them the market, the blood places. The hair places. The bars. The malls. The toy stores and stuff. There was women, children and men.

Then I showed them each to their home. Once I got home Allison looked at me wide eyed. "Colby is here and Sam is pissed that you weren't there." She said panicking.

"I had everyone though. I gave everyone a tour. I helped them to their houses and Colby was not on my list" I said. "Then Colby must have came early" Allison said.

"HARLEY RYOT GOLBACH" Sam's voice booms. I smirked and Allison shook her head. I turned around a smirk plastered on my face. I've been looking for a good fight that past few days. Here's my chance.

"Colby is here. He wasn't with you. You didn't have him with the group. He was basically lost" Sam seethed. "I wonder why" I said sarcastically. I ignored the eyes burning in the back of my head. Focusing on my main target.

"YOU. YOUR THE REASON WHY" Sam booms. "You screw everything up. Everything. You can't do one damn thing right. Everything is going smoothly and then you fuck it up one way or another" Sam hisses. He was pinned to the wall by me. By the throat.

"I didn't fuck anything up. Colby either came early or you didn't put his name on my list because everyone on the list was with me. You fucked it up Samantha. So shut the hell up. Don't go yelling at me if I did nothing. Next time. I'll kill you" I hissed. I shoved him down on the floor. There was a crowd now.

I did call him Samantha. The name that pissed him off. That's what I use to call him if he was acting like a girl.

I used my Vampire speed to my room. I felt more of me shatter. The remaining of what was left of me shatter. The tears started to come. I heard knocking but I didn't care. I turned music on. Up all the way. I started to break things.

My room was vibrating from the loud music. Allison somehow got in my room. She was quick to shut and lock my door. She looked at the mess I made. Then at me. She knows what is going on with me. Soon my mom was in. She shut and locked the door. They know I'm broken. They were the only ones who knew what was going on with me.

Allison started to jump up and down. To the music towards me. She took my hand. My mom did the same and soon we were all dancing. All of us crying. I'm crying because I'm done. They are crying because I'm completely broken.

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