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After six months we are finally coming home. Me, Allison, and Xepher are all different and hope that our family excepts that's. I swear, I'm killing my so called father.

Allison has different eyes.

She can slow down or speed up time if she really wants to

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She can slow down or speed up time if she really wants to.

Xepher can control people's minds.

I can control fire and ice

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I can control fire and ice. Fire I could already do but now I can do ice.

The academy owner is coming because he wanted to show my mom the picture of where I was about to kill him.

Half of me was blue and the other half was normal besides my hair which turned a firey color

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Half of me was blue and the other half was normal besides my hair which turned a firey color.

I held hands with Allison and Xepher. The academy dude placed his hands on my shoulders and soon we were teleported. He took his hands off my shoulders and I kept my head down.

I've kept my head down for five months ever since I almost killed the academy guy because I scared Xepher and Allison.

"Look up" Allison whispered. "No" I said quietly. "Now. Mom is looking at you scared. She's worried" Allison said.

I took in a shaky breath and released that shaky breath before slowly looking up. Everyone seemed shocked about my eyes and I didn't want that.

I hate black magic. Xepher pulled her hand from mine. "What" I said. "Your panicking again because your hand was sweating but it was cold" she said while Allison took her hand from mine.

"Your other hand was sweating and it was hot" she said. Oof. I clasped my hands together causing smoke to form. Xepher and Allison snickered while I frowned deeply.

"Come on. Show them what you can do. Allison first" He said. Allison rolled her eyes and looked at me. I stepped back and aimed a fireball at her and she slowed down time for the fire ball and moved then let time for the fireball go back to normal.

"Xepher" He said. Xepher turned to Allison and started to use her powers while I stared off at the forest. Maybe I could just sneak away and I can avoid this.

But, Colby. Dear god. This has been a lot for me. I've been dying to see him.

The academy dude opened his mouth to speak but I glared at him. He went wide eyed. He's been scared of me for awhile now.

I got back into the gates view. Everyone moved away from me. Far away. I put the fire on a patch of grass and then used my ice power and used it. I made an Ice path though which Allison and Xepher love because they love to slide down it.

And that's what they did. After I made then snowboards out of ice but there was the spot their feet could slide in and they begun.

They were racing to the end. I watched them but I was itching to go see my mom and my brothers and mate and my other family.

The academy dude walked to me. "I came to say I'm sorry. I know you never wanted me to use the black Magic's art on you and I'm truly sorry. But, your father made a deal with us and we had to put up our end of the deal" he said.

"Long as I don't hurt anyone. I'm fine." I said. "Allison asked me this question a month or two back but when you have children it will not effect them." He said.

"Alright" I said. He gave a curt nod as goodbye and teleported. I was slightly angry. I wanted to end the whole academy. Probably could have but I wasn't risking it.

I sat down and watched Allison and Xepher. They were currently fighting over who won. Then they were running towards me and jumped on top of me while I was doing my best to sheild my head.

After getting them off me I got up myself. I started to walk up the path towards the gate and hugged my mom. She hugged me back tightly too.

"My baby's are back" she cried. Xepher looked sad because her parents died a long time ago but my mom pulled Xepher into a tight hug while Ben hugged me and Sam hugged Allison until I was hugging Sam and Allison was hugging Ben.

"Where is he" I asked angrily. "Mom killed him" Sam said. "God damn it. I wanted to do it myself" I said.

"Why" he said. "I'm basically only alive because of black magic and I suffered because of him. A lot worse then Allison and Xepher" I said quietly so no one could hear .

I didn't see Colby which made me sad. "You are still family and vampire. How did you suffer more" he said. I told him the story and he seemed angry.

"Where's Colby" I asked. "Right here mate" I heard Colby and I turned around. He pulled me into a tight embrace and I hugged back ignoring all the awes and ohsss.

I just hugged onto Colby as my life depended on it.

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