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I was giggling continuously as I ran down the very long hallway. I could hear Colby's hissing and vampire like growls from behind me.

But, for now. I'll always be faster. I used my monster speed to find Jake and he was still in the battlefield like everyone else.

I ran to Jake at my normal speed. "BUBBA" I yelled. "SISSY" he yelled. Tara looked at us weird before laughing as Jake and I did our brother and sister handshake as Colby was behind me.

Fist bump
Elbow bump
Fist bump
Elbow bump
Nose boop
Finger boop

Then we gave each other a hug. "You guys are weird" Tara said laughing. "Why don't we have a handshake?" Sam said seriously.

"Why don't we have a handshake? Let's make one" I said excited. I could sense Colby's jealously so before I walked over to Sam I turned around and pecked Colby's lips before heading over to Sam.

"Clap.... clap. Fist bump. Pull your arm back and rock and roll sign" I said. "Fun" He said while smiling. He seemed happy. That's good. I want my big bro to be happy.

Ben and I already had a handshake so we went ahead and did it.

Fist bump
Fist bump
Peace sign

Allison was too busy conversing with her mate so she couldn't do the handshake. "Mathew. Don't steal my sister all the time" I said seriously.

He just glared at me playfully before going back to conversing with Allison. I felt an arm drape over my shoulder. Kinda. It was weird since I'm short. It was my dad.

"Quis avertet magicae, Harley, Allison, Xepher" he said a spell. Allison collapsed to the ground holding her head like Xepher. I fell to the ground. I released a scream from the excruciating pain.

I was slightly embarrassed because Xepher and Allison weren't screaming. But, I was. But, I was also shoved into the black liquid so I had more power then them.

"What's wrong with her" my mom said while touching my face gently. "It's the magic. I reversed it. It's leaving her system. Don't touch her" dad said.

"Don't touch the girls" my dad ordered. Everyone back up. I felt a liquid leaving from my eyes. I couldn't see from my eyes. It was black.

"Xepher. Calm down" my dads voice ordered. I turned over and somehow managed to get a glimpse of Xepher almost shifting into her monster form. I took her hand and she immediately calmed down and I gripped her hand while taking Allison's too.

Xepher took Allison's other hand. We stay strong together. Together and forever. I let another ear piercing scream rip through the air and I was convulsing.

I think Allison and Xepher we're finished because they were both wiping away the stuff off my face and they were rubbing my back.

"Is she alright" my dad asked. "The liquid. It's coming out from her eyes." Xepher said. "she had more then you girls so it's normal" he said.

"But, is the pain levels normal" Allison Asked. "Yes. It's going to be a painful process- Colby knock it off. Once she is finished you can see her. It's a painful process for stronger ones." He said.


"Is it done yet?" I heard my dads tired voice ask. It's been three hours. I think it's over. I feel normal. Also, I tried using my ice power to take the burning away. But, it didn't work.

"It's not coming out of her eyes anymore" Xepher said. She looked down at me while wiping away some more liquid. "Harley. Are you alright?" She asked softly. "Hurt. Tired." I mumbled.

My body hurts from the pain that took place from that black magic liquid leaving my body. It also made me tired.

I watched as Xepher looked a little worried. "Don't fall asleep yet. Just wait a little longer" she said. I tried to move but, I couldn't. "Can you move Harley" I heard my moms scared voice ring through the air.

I tried to move my hand a little bit so I concentrated on moving my hands until I had function in my hands.

I got into a girly push up position while Xepher and Allison helped me finish getting up. Colby left Corey hold and ran to me. He got on his knees and he hugged me.

I laid my head on his shoulder. His nose was brushing against the spot in the middle of my neck where he'd mark me. I wanted to sleep but, I couldn't. I slowly pulled back. I went to get into a standing position. Allison and Xepher both had one of my arms.

Colby was in front of me. Watching my legs, making sure if I fell he'd catch me. Which I was thankful after all. I know these two wouldn't catch me. They'd drop me and scream as they covered their face then apologize.

We were starting the way back to the kingdom. How were the other two girls not tired after the removal? It's weird. Very weird. But, then they didn't have as much of this magic running through their veins.

Oof. We were starting up the stairs as I was hoisted up by Jake. Colby growled. "This is my sissy and you are making her walk when she is tired. She wants to be in her room and asleep" Jake said. I nuzzled my head in his chest to get the light out of my eyes. Colby growled.

"Thanks bubba" I mumbled out. "No problem sissy. Let's Go to the beta Harley cave" he sang. I made a sound to signal that I found it funny. He chuckled while using his Vampire speed to my room. He laid me on my bed and I instantly cuddled into my pillow while I heard him chuckle.

"Night sissy. I have news I want to share with you tomorrow. Maybe. Are you up?" He asked. I grunted in response. "Tara and I are expecting. Me and Tara decided on you to be the godmother since her friends are back in the human world and we aren't going and your very good with kids and your our best friend"  Jake said.

I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered as Colby walked in. Jake smiled and nodded before leaving quietly Colby got on my bed, on the empty side and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I spun around to face him and nuzzled my face in his neck while he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then I fell into a deep sleep.

The vampires beta mateWhere stories live. Discover now