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I was currently pacing in my office. He's getting to close. I need to cover things up more. I need to act as if normal. No more make out sessions with him. Maybe I should try, avoiding him . That's not possible when you live in the same house as each other and you both are betas. And I'm training him.

Maybe I should leave. But then my job as beta will be eliminated. Katrina will eliminate me as her beta and find a new beta. That's not what I want. She could easily pick Allison or Devyn.

So, I can't leave. Maybe I can go back to option one. Avoiding. I mean, that's the only way. God. The kiss. What if? No- no. He won't think of anything. I mean come on.

He can't find out. No one can. For my protection and everyone else's. There is no way they can figure out my secrets. The power I possess.

They can't know. They will never know. I will- shit. I can't keep going on. What if they get in my head or something?

So. Avoid him. That's all. Simple. Easy. I'll do it. "Not possible mate" I heard Colby. I finally was back in reality, reality. Sam and Colby we're leaning against the wall like last time. Same places to. Like Allison and dad who were sitting in the same chairs.

I glanced at them all in fear for a moment. In fear that they found out but I covered it up. "Uh- I have to go soon. On a trip. In about a month to the elders of all supernatural beings" I said. more like lied.

"What!? No. You are my mate and you aren't leaving my sight" Colby said. "Geez. More talkative then last time" I said quietly. Thinking. I then turned him.

"You aren't my mate until I say so, so ha" I said pointing at him. "Harley five, Colby zero. Don't think I don't know about your little moment in the alleyway" Allison said.

"Your my mate. We are bound to be together Harley and that's final." Colby said sternly. "Look. I don't know how to say this but I do want a mate in a sense but I can't. I just can't" I said tugging on my hair as I was now behind my desk.

"I can't" I whispered while tugging my hair. "Honey. You can tell us anything. We are here for you. As well as the kingdom. We need to help you from the bad guy" my dad said. I looked up.

"No. No. No. you shouldn't have told them that part Colby" I said looking at Colby. "It's important. We are trying to figure out why you changed 108 years ago" Colby said.

"No. He won't let you guys free. He'll hurt you. Stop. You can't. Only I can" I said. Shit. That was a bit exposing. "Who Harley? Tell me" my dad said getting up and kneeling in front of me chair like he use to when I was a kid and then he'd hug me tight after I told him why I was sad.

"You won't be safe if I tell you. Ever. Not until he is gone. I can only know. I'm sorry. Please. Daddy forgive me. I can't tell you. I can't do it. I'll get hurt. The whole kingdom will crumble" I rambled.

I tried to stop. I couldn't hide no more. I was becoming crazy with all of this information. "I can't do this no more" I said.

"Sis. What In the world is going on" Sam said. "Something beyond normal. That we would expect" I said.

"Sis. there are many things beyond normal. Tell us" Sam said. They all were basically so close to my desk now but either leaning against the wall or sitting or like my father in front of me.

"I'm going to war" I said. "I possess a power no Vampire has possessed in awhile" I said.

"The power where you can summon anything" my father said. "That And well. The fire" I whispered. "Why didn't you tell us" Allison said.

Shit. Shit. I told them. I have to go. I used my Vampire speed but ran into a chest. Colby's chest. He made me sit down and he held my wrists.

"Who." He asked softly but deep. "No one. No one. I'm just. I'm just tired. I don't know what I'm talking about" I said. "Liar" Allison said.

"Lad" I yelled. They froze. "What?" My father said seriously. "He... figured out my powers... and he threatened our kingdom. He wants me to be his ''replacement'' mate." I said.

"And what did you do" Sam said. "I said no. I was still searching for my mate and didn't give up. But I stopped looking because... he challenged me to war. At his time. His choosing. Which is in a month" I said.

Lad. Is the vampire lord. Well he thinks he is. Really he is an average vampire that is a power crazed vampire. "You'll win. You know how to use your powers" Colby said.

"Right but Lad. He's powerful. I'll die. Right there and then" I said. "No you won't. Your a warrior. A fighter. You can't just give up. Damn it Harley. Why would you think that" Colby snapped. "Harley five, Colby one" Allison said.

"I don't know. It will be so unexpected. I don't know what time. Just a month. Not an exact date. Not an exact how many days. Not an exact time. Not an exact place. I could be anywhere" I said seriously.

"We'll help you. I have plenty of new warriors to help us. I have plenty of our best warriors and guards and trackers and last time. We put a tracker in lad. Well. Dad did" Sam said.

"But. This isn't safe. Is it" I said. "Our people." I whispered. "Will be fine if they have a warrior leader... like you" Sam said. "But I fuck everything up. You said it yourself" I said while throwing my hands up in the air. Freeing my wrists from Colby's grip. He just had his hands on my thighs after.

"I didn't mean it" Sam sighed. "I really do. I do. I would have never been in this war in the first place-" Colby covered my mouth so I didn't finish.

"Declined his offer. Then you wouldn't have met me. So please. I'm better looking then that dwarf" Colby said. "He's taller then you." I said bluntly. My eyes widened.

"He's eight feet tall. He's like four feet taller then me" I said panicking. Colby hugged me. I tensed and calmed down but felt uncomfortable. "I'm not letting go" Colby mumbled. "Please do. I'm not comfortable" I said. He growled.

I sighed. Sam pulled him off me. "Bro. I'm glad my sister is your mate but you will not hang on her like that when she is this young" Sam said.

I smiled mentally. "She's 221 years old" Colby said bluntly. "She's still young" Sam defended.

The vampires beta mateWhere stories live. Discover now