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I stood by my father impatiently at the gates where we saw Lads figure approaching. I made Colby go stand with Sam which was in his office.

We are keeping Sam and Katrina safe. Sam and Katrina are the king and queen so... Colby would be a distraction to me so he is watching the war with Sam and Katrina from the bay window in Sam's office.

There were two figures behind Lad in black cloaks. My mom was wearing a white cloak like me. I haven't put my hood up though.

It probably doesn't make since but it's normal for this to happen I guess. It won't happen to my children though.

I was getting board and started to play with a flame in my hand. Making it rise by the second. I got it to like two feet until my mom gave me a look.

"Can I just take the two guys in the cloak out then lad" I asked my parents quietly. "Do you think you can do that without being noticed" dad asked. "Probably not" I said.

"It's worth a try" my dad said. "What if my cloak catches on fire" I said. My dad took my cloak from me and I summoned fireballs and my mom made them float off to the sides, sneaking them up on the two guys behind Lad and hitting them. They were on fire screaming.

I smirked. Lad yelled a spell and time froze. Outside the kingdom. I could move though. "That was a tricky move darling" lad said. I took a step forward after putting my cloak back on.

"Tricky moves are my thing bitch" I said. He hissed very loudly. His eyes turning a bright glowing red with black surrounding the iris.

"Oh honey, it's going to take more then those eyes to scare me" I said while laughing darkly. He was slowly circling around me and I followed his movements. Watching everything.

"I'm not hurting you. Your my mate afterall" he said. "I found my mate. He's in this kingdom somewhere and it's not you" I said with a devilish smirk.

Katrina and Sam were smirking knowing I was having some fun and that I was about to end him. Colby had his eyebrows furrowed and he had a hand covering his lower half of his face while the other arm wrapped around his waist.

"LIAR" he roared. The whole kingdom shook. "Your just mad because I actually found my love" I said.

I was actually starting to get bored . Lad threw a punch at me that I caught with my hand rather lazily. I twisted his arm earning a loud disgusting crack causing him to scream out in pain.

"Undo the spell lad" I ordered. "Never" He said breathless. He threw another punch at me with his  other arm and I caught his punch and broke his thumb while he yelled.

"Undo the spell lad" I said in a taunting voice. Funny thing, Sam and Katrina and Colby can hear everything. So. Yeah. That's why they are all smirking.

"Never" He said after trying to fix his thumb to throw another punch at me. I caught it once again and twisted earning another loud crack but this time. I kept twisting. He kept yelling.

"UNDO THE DAMN SPELL" I roared. His eyes for once held fear. I decided since he wasn't going to be doing anything anytime soon to heat things up a bit.

"Shall we heat things up a bit" I said calmly while smirking and imagining that fire covered the hand that was still twisting his arm. He screamed in agony. Begging me to stop.

"I'LL DO IT" he yelled. I stopped the fire but held his arm. "Then do it" I said. He mumbled some words and soon everyone was moving but froze once they saw lad and all of them stared.

"Lad, long time no see. Did you bring an army" my dad asked. Lad stared into my cold eyes. I felt my vampire surfacing. I knew that I was because in lads eyes I could see my teal ones shining in his. Resembles my impatience. Now when I'm out for blood it's teal with red specks.

"Are you going to answer him" I hissed while twisting his arm. He stared at me not moving and I shoved him down on the ground and kicked him in the ribs so hard that you heard many cracks. He had tears streaming down his face.

"And you thought you were the vampire lord" I laughed coldly. His eyes went back to red with black streaks. Great. I made his vampire surface. He jumped up and wrapped his hand around my throat. I placed my hand on his wrist and I imagined the fire on my hand.

He didn't back down yet. But I made the heat more intense and her let go while hissing at me. "A vampire lord doesn't cry and I hate to break it to you lad. A vampire lord never loses a fight as well as losing that fight against someone who is literally four feet shorter then you" I said.

He hissed. "Honey your making him mad" my dad said. "Good. Just watch." I said. "Your weak. You can't do a thing" I taunted. "You have no power. You just act it. You use magic. Bad magic." I taunted more. He lunged at me but I used all I could from this fire power and he went up in the sky screaming.

Everyone else was quite shocked. My mom got beside me and we waited a few minutes until we saw his body falling back down. Soon it was a loud thud with many bones cracking. "You think he is dead mom" I asked.

"No. Not really. Set him on fire" my mom said. I snapped my fingers and he was covered in fire. He screamed. "How was he not dead" I asked. "Yeah. How" my dad asked.

"Because. You have to do something big with your powers. Which is what i don't understand. You did a big thing with your power" my mom said.

"We never found out if there was an army coming or not" I said. But then I felt everything go in slow motion. I heard a noise from behind me and turned around. I could see the faint outlines of people emerging from the woods.

I turned around and saw people starting to leave. "Dad. On the edge of the woods. EVERYONE STAY PUT" I ordered. Everyone froze and turned to me.

"GET READY FOR BATTLE. GO TO YOUR STATIONS" my fathers voice roared. Everyone got back in there positions.

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