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It's finally been a week so me, Billie, and Finneas all stood at the area of which the rose portal will form. Soon it appeared. Getting bigger and bigger until it reached its normal size.

We all walked through the portal. We all were in the portal for like ten minutes. We were quiet which was good. Finneas was holding Billie and my luggage do to the fact we are both hurt.

About twenty hunters attacked us and I was taking on a lot earlier today but, some managed to get past and hurt Billie. She just had a wound on her thigh. Healing nicely I must say.

I of course might need to head to the infirmary. I have two gunshot wounds that were covered in garlic. They thought garlic killed us.

So I have two bullets. One in my abdomen and the other in my arm which was wrapped because we dashed out of there after I killed them.

I have stab wounds on my back, legs, and stomach. I mean hello. I also broke my ankle. And I believe the leg but, I'm still walking.

Billie said my face is busted up pretty bad. I'll be fine.

As soon as we reached the end of the portal we all were groaning on the ground. The portal was up in the sky so we fell.

"Sorry. I forgot to say that the portal is having some issues" Sam said. I looked up and caught a glance of Colby staring at me.

I got up carefully holding my abdomen. I know the black magic is gone but, one thing is different. I'm always going to have a heartbeat from now on which means I still have blood running through my veins so I had blood gushing out of my abdomen.

That was until I covered it. Colby was looking at me in shock. The state I am. He was holding a clip board. He just stared at me before turning his attention back to the clip board. I knew a tear slipped but, I quickly hid it and took my bag from Finneas.

I know Sam saw the tear. But, he was listening to Finneas who was explaining what happened. I wrapped my free arm around Billie and started to help her towards the castle.

I stopped and she sat down. I was a little dizzy. I fell down because I lost my balance. I heard feet running towards us and their was one of the vampire citizens of the kingdom. Then three more. Two helped both of us. They started towards the kingdom where my mom and dad ran out.

"Harley. Billie. What happened to you two?" My mom said heading towards Billie. Thanks mom. My dad came towards me. "Thank you four so much for helping them. You are such kind people" my mother said softly to them. They nodded and said a few things before leaving.

"Where's colby" Mom asked me. "He's at the gates. He didn't care. He just went back to-." I stopped and covered my mouth. I used my Vampire speed to a bathroom and threw up blood. I groaned and soon my dad had me in his arms bridal style heading towards the infirmary rather quickly.

He laid me on the cot and the doctors walked into the room towards me. "Your going to be okay Harley. I love you." My dad Said while kissing my forehead.

One of the doctors cut off my shirt. That bitch. Whatever. Good thing I have extras of my outfits. They pulled another bullet out. Then they poured something in it. To clean it. But, it hurt like hell.

"God damn it" I hissed loudly. "Sorry. We have to clean them though Beta Harley" one said.

"Just do your jobs" I growled angrily. My Vampire was about to surface because she's pissed. She's pissed with hunters and her mate.

They started to work quicker. "Don't do a sloppy job. I want it done correctly" I said. "Can you shut up and let us work" one snapped. "If you all stop working so fast bitch" I growled.

My dad walked in with my mom who had tears in her eyes. I know everyone else was outside the door. My mom grabbed my hand and held it.

"Slow down. Do a good job." My dad ordered and they did. "Them bitches" I mumbled. My mom let out a short quiet laugh. The door was opened and I would see heads pop in every few moments.

I growled as one pulled a stitch to tight and they muttered an apology. Whatever. They finished and left. My parents left after to. With everyone else.

I just grabbed onto the thing that was holding the blood IV thing and sat up before walking out. I was wearing the white t shirt and white shorts.

I was careful not to run into anyone and soon I was in the hallway that led towards my room at the end of the hallway. I headed towards it and started to walk into my room using the wall for support.

"Aren't you suppose to be in the infirmary resting" I heard Colby's deep voice behind me. I saw my duffle bag on the bed and headed towards it. Everything is in it. I grabbed Jakes drinks.

"Why do you care!" I all but, yelled. I decided to just calm it and walked past him into the middle of the hallway.

"BUBBA" I yelled. It was weak yell. Anyone which is everyone on this floor heard me. Jake walked out. "SISSY" he yelled while running to me and he hugged me. I handed him his gift when Tara yelled for him. "Thank you sissy. Sorry I have to go. Baby mama is calling for me" he said.

"No problem bubba. Bye" I said weakly as I walked into my room heading towards the bathroom. "I'm sorry" Colby said. "I don't care if your sorry or not. Just leave." I said shutting the bathroom door.

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