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<> Colby <>
I sat beside her hospital bed, staring at her. I just want her to wake up now. She's just really exhausted from the blood thing. It's only been twelve hours and forty seven minutes and eighteen seconds that she has been asleep.

I moved my chair closer to her bed and took her hand in mine when I heard the door open but, I didn't move. I sat there and stared at her.

"Sam wanted me to tell you to finish up your files on your desk" Kat Said. "I don't know how. Harley was suppose to teach me" I said quite but, sadness laced in my voice.

Katrina and I act like we are siblings and we basically are. We argue like them. We play around like them. We act the same. Plus she is Sam's girlfriend and Sam's like a brother to me.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked while sitting down in the chair across from me which was on the other side of Harley's bed.

"Not really." I said staring at Harley's rings. "Talk to me Colby. Tell me what's going on." She said in a sister like tone. I smiled ever so small and nodded.

"She's always getting hurt. I don't understand. She's always in near death situations. Someone always wants to take her away or kill her." I said. More like started. I have a few other things to say. I just don't want to overwhelm Kat.

"Harley cares for family and that's where she gets hurt. She doesn't care though. She wants to protect any family. Sometimes when she is protecting family it leads her to near death situations because it is dangerous, but once you watch so many of these near death situations it's really nothing anymore. It's just that little worry. It's a little amount because we know Harley is strong" Kat started.

She pulled a water out of her purse and took a sip. "I don't know why people want to take her away and kill her, but to be honest, do you actually know Harley Golbach" Kat Said.

"I want to. But, everytime I plan something to get to know her better something goes wrong and she is always part of my plan. So that plan disappears" I said.

"Just keep trying. Don't give up." Kat Said. "How does she always know something. That say when she fought with Lad. How did she know there was more? Then how did she see the poison West had yesterday?" I asked. It's so weird.

"That's a question we've all been asking Colby. Everyone is going to be in the room when her parents confront her about it." Kat Said.

"So no one knows" I said. "No. You might get to go back to the human world for awhile" Kat Said. "Why?" I asked confused. "Harley's been getting hurt way to much and the war is still approaching and we all know she wants to take part in it. It's not a bad thing, but we are fighting in it. She'll be trying to protect us constantly. We want her to go to the human world until the war is over" Kat Said.

"I get where your coming from but, how do you think Harley is going to take this news?" I Asked. "She probably won't even go. We probably won't even be able to talk her into it. Or if we do she'll probably never forgive us" Kat Said.

"Harley is sometimes way to confusing" I say. "I think she worries that if she leaves us to fight in the war without her then she'll lose someone. I get where she comes from because if you look at it from a Harley perspective then you understand it" she said.

I stayed quiet for a longing moment when I felt a squeeze on my hand. I looked at her face excited but, her eyes were still closed. I sighed. 

"I see where she comes from" I said. "Good." Kat Said. "I guess" I said she let a quiet laugh out. "I know. A Harley's perspective is confusing" she said happily.

I let a small smile form before I looked at Katrina. "She's gonna wake up, right?" I Asked. She gave me this look where she thought I was crazy and I was just waiting for it.

"This is Harley Golbach we are talking about. Yes, she's going to wake up. Give her time" Kat Said.

"I do. But, it scared me that she won't wake up this time" I said. "We use to say that all the time, but see where that got us... to the point we really don't have to worry anymore because she always woke up and she will wake up Colby" she said.

"Somehow you always make me feel better when I feel done" I said. I saw out of the corner of my eye she smiled. "Good. I have to get going bro" she said.

"Alright" I Said. She gave me another one of her famous happy smiles which makes you smile. After she left, I looked back down at my queen.

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