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We walked in a nice, comfortable silence to the dining room. People seemed...excited. Odd. The only time we are excited is some type of news otherwise it is normal happiness. Not people being all... giddy.

I slowly sat down at my normal spot. Partially from the people acting weird and partially because of my wounds. My mom looked at me weird. "Why did you sit down so slow?" She asked. "My battle wounds" I responded.

"Maybe if you didn't leave the infirmary they'd be better" she said. "I'm fine. I didn't feel like being pricked anymore for no reason." I said. "Yeah. I guess." She said.

"Before Colby came in my room I was about to get ready to go to the gym so" I said. "You shouldn't be going to the gym with opened wounds" she said.

Everyone was amused. I put my hand on my side and my other hand on my abdomen. "They are healing quite nicely. Billie how are you?" I Asked Billie.

"Fine. How were you going to train with a broken ankle?" She asked smirking. I looked under the table at the ankle that was suppose to have a cast on but, I took it off.

"What are you talking about?" I said after a few moments of silence. "You broke your ankle" Colby said angrily. I stood up and went in a circle. "Not broken. It's fine" I said. "Broken bones in a beta heal faster then their battle wounds" mom said.

"Hey sissy. Thank you again for my Australian drinks" Jake said. "No problem bubba" I said.

"C bubba, can I have the salt" Jake Asked Colby. Colby nodded with a smile and handed the salt to Jake. "Thanks bubba" Jake said. "No problem... bubba" Colby said. "NO, I can only call you guys bubba. Find another nickname" Jake said.

"Why does she get to call you bubba?" Devyn Asked. "Because... because. She's Harley" he said. "Or maybe because I started the bubba thing" I said. "True, she did" Elton said. "Yeah. I remember that day" Corey said. He sighed at the memory.

That was the first day I met them all and Sam was being a little brat so I started to chase him around with a bat to knock some sense into him.

"Harley, what do you want for your birthday?" She asked. Right. My birthday is this weekend. I was born on 10/31/1798. "Nothing" I said calmly. Prepping for the talk with my mom about how I deserve a birthday present.

My mom let a low hiss rip out through the air. "Mama, I don't need a birthday present. I'm fine." I said while taking another bite of the steak.

"Your getting a birthday present and that's final" my mom said. "Why?" I said. "You do a lot for this family and I never know how to thank you and now I could by a birthday present" she said.

"How do I do to much for this family?" I Asked. "You took a poisonous arrow for me. You traveled to the human world when no one else would. You always catch up on beta work when behind. You always battle when you know it's a bloody war. You battle anytime but, still." My mom said.

"I would take a poisonous arrow for you any day ma. Same for anyone else but, yeah" I said smiling. "Please?" She begged.

"Surprise me" I said. "Damn it, your going to be the death of me Harley." She muttered. "Aren't they suppose to be a surprise anyway?" I Asked. "They are, I just needed an idea" she said.

"Oh. You've known me for almost 222 years. You'll figure it out" I said. Sam and Colby stood up while everyone smiled and pulled their phones out. What the hell!?

Sam turned my chair to the side where Colby's chair was. Colby was in front of me on one knee. "Damn it. I should have known" I muttered. There were quite laughs. I smiled.

"Harley, ever since I met you I fell for you. I fell for you hard. It's taken a lot to get to the point where we are now in our relationship because your the stubborn one of this relationship or you were in the infirmary for something. I love you and I will love you for eternity. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be the women I start a family with. I want you to be the one that I wake up next to every morning. I want you Harley and only you. So will you Harley Ryot Golbach make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked.

I had tears streaming down my face. I could only nod. He chuckled and took my hand and slipped the ring on. I hugged him and he hugged me back while everyone claps, hoots, cheers, and coos at us.

"I love you" he mumbled into my neck. "I love you too" I mumbled into his chest since I'm short my head goes to his chest. Well in the middle.

We pulled apart and I wiped where I had tears. "This is why you were all acting weird" I said while pointing at them. They laughed and nodded. Devyn walked over to me and wiped some of the spots on my face that my makeup smudged. All because I cried.

"I always thought I'd be married before you Harley." Allison said. "Yeah, well you aren't" I said while laughing. Everyone joined in. "I still don't have a mate" Ben said. "We have time. You have time. there will be more vampires coming tomorrow. Plus the mate-ball is this weekend." I said.

"On Sunday" Sam said. "Saturday is your birthday party" mom said. "I don't want a birthday party though" I whined while twisting the ring around my finger.

"Your having one. If you guys want my help on planning the wedding just let me know. Even though I think you two have it handled" she said.

"I'll leave it to Harley" Colby said. I knew he was joking but, I hit him in the chest. "I was joking" he laughed. "I know you were. I just decided I really wanted to hit you." I said.

He chuckled along with the others. I finished eating as we talk with my family. I looked back at the engagement ring. It was a black band with a big diamond.

The vampires beta mateWhere stories live. Discover now