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I walked to the kingdom while standing closer to Colby then I ever thought I would... in front of my family. My family kept glancing at me.

Allison and Xepher seem to be fine now. But, are they really? I shuddered at the thought of being pushed into that black liquid.

That's why I'm as strong as I am. I hate it though. But, it's basically the only thing keeping me alive anymore. My mom has been acting off, but it could be because she killed her mate, her children's father, or she regrets killing him. 

"Meet us up for lunch later" mom ordered. I nodded. Colby was soon in front of me as he walked up the stairs and I followed lost in my thoughts.

I hope being gone for six months doesn't change anything between us or my family. I hope being alive because of black magic doesn't make anyone look at me like I'm a monster.

I hope that I look different doesn't cause me to look different. I mean I understand. My natural red hair has many streaks of white and black.

It pissed me off some but whatever. We reached Colby's room but I stopped outside his door. Not walking in. I've never really seen his room besides the occasional peaking in to see him think.

He turned his head towards me. "Come on" he said. I walked into his room while he sat on his bed. I saw down in his chair at his desk. He sighed.

"I missed you so much" he said. "I missed you a lot to. Every day. Ever month. Every hour. Every minute. Every second" I said.

He smiled slightly. I could tell he wanted to take things like a normal vampire. One who would be marked by the second they met basically. Mated.

But, I ain't a normal vampire anymore. I'm a monster. A bad one too. I'm only alive because of black magic. I looked down.

"Harley. You aren't a monster and your not bad. You weren't even dead. You were still in a coma. Your father was an idiot to send you there. I left for food and a shower. I shouldn't have though , but your mom forced me because I hadn't eaten at all that week. Now I feel bad because you suffered. My friends suffered. Your aren't alive because of black magic. Your alive because you chose to be. You might have black magic running through your veins but that doesn't change a damn thing" he said.

I smiled and let the few tears slip. I was happy. "You always bow how to make me feel better" I said. "I know. Right" he said. I nodded.

"So when we do have kids later down the road. Does that mean they will get your eyes" he asked excitedly. "Sadly no. The black magic will not go to them. They might get my old blue eyes. I miss those" I said.

"You still look beautiful" he said. "Thank you" I said. I'd be blushing if I weren't a vampire. "Can we talk about us" he asked. "Um... sure" I said. I'm unsure about this. U don't know where it's going to go and how it's going to go.

"I know you don't want to take things like normal vampires which would be, already marked within twenty four hours of meeting each other, mated within forty eight hours of meeting each other. I want to start with that" he said.

"Once I get to know you better then I'll bare your mark. I know this might be cliche but, I wanted to wait until we were married to mate" I said.

"I'll wait until we are married then. We will get to know each other better tonight at dinner because I'm taking you out." He said. I smiled happily.

"Okay. Question. Do I need to dress classy or what?" I asked. "It's a very classy restaurant . I'll be wearing a suit if that says anything" he said.

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