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I sighed as soon as me and Colby walked back into the castle. He went towards the kitchen while I went towards the stairs. I started up them and went to my room where I immediately got under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.

:-:-:-: Dream :-:-:-:
It was dark. Very dark. I saw Colby. He was looking around frantically. "Quinn! Harley! Ebony!" He called out.

"Colby" I said. But, he couldn't hear me. "Daddy!" I heard a voice yell. It was full of panic. "Daddy! Help" the same voice called. Colby took off after it and I followed.

He picked up the little girl who was about to be attacked by a rogue. "Daddy!" The little girl said. "Quinn. Where is mommy?" Colby Asked.

"She's with the bad people. They had her. They have her and Ebony still" Quinn, I'm guessing Said. Colby took off running again and I followed him.

There was a little cabin appearing after sometime of running and it looked old. Colby ran inside of it and I followed. There was broken glass everywhere. Colby went down the stairs.

He opened the door and there was a baby in my arms as my eyes started to close. I had a wound on the side.

"Harley" Colby whispered. My eyes opened to there normal size but, there was pain in them. Quinn climbed down and took the baby. "Dad. Ebony is alright" Quinn said seriously.

Colby went towards me and touched my cheek. "We are going to get out of here" he said. He picked me up and he picked Quinn up who wanted to be on his back so he let her.

He put the baby, Ebony, on my stomach while my arms wrapped around the baby. He took off running and I followed again. It's like I'm here but I'm not.

I followed again. The kingdom gates were coming into view. He ran through them and I followed. He ran towards the castle as the kingdom vampires immediately moved out of the way.

The castle doors opened to reveal my father and his eyes fell on me. He immediately started to help Colby. My dad took me from Colby and took off faster then Colby towards the infirmary.

He laid me on a cot and the doctors came in-

:-:-:-: End of Dream :-:-:-:

I finally opened my eyes and Colby stared at me worried. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I'm fine. Just a nightmare" I said. Was it though? I was there but, then I wasn't. So maybe it was a vision.

If that was a vision I didn't get to finish it because Colby woke me up. I took off out of the room towards my fathers room.

I barged in and my mom sighed while pausing then T.V. Dad looked up from his book. "Yes dear" my dad said.

"What If there is side effects of the black magic or whatever it was?" I said breathless. My mom looked up from magazine on alert. Knowing something had happened.

"What do you mean?" My father asked. "What if there was something left? Like it... effected our bodies after. Because it didn't want to leave. It wasn't suppose to leave. So, what if there are effects?" I said.

"Honey. I doubt it" my dad said. "Well I don't. Because I was in a dead sleep and I haven't had a nightmare since I was 113". I said.

"What?" My dad said while getting up. "I was asleep. Then it was a dark forest. Colby was there. He was frantic. He kept calling out names. Harley. Ebony. Quinn I figured out ebony and Quinn was our kids. We were kidnapped. Colby was trying to find us." I started. My dad made me sit.

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