"Guess who got the tickets!"

I woke up to Eric chuckling as he nudged me awake.

"Morning knucklehead." I giggled.

"Morning cutie." he replied.

"Bro give her a break." Allan said as he walked in. Damn he looked so sexy.

"Control yourself.." I told myself.

"Hey girl." Allan said.

"H-hi.." I said while blushing.

It felt weird to be attracted to the son of my boss. But how could I resist?! Chocolate brown hair, those sweet hazel eyes..oof. He was a woman's dream.

"Yeah well I got 7 tickets to see the Yankees play in Queens." Eric chuckled.

"You mean 7 tickets to see the Mets play the Yankees." I corrected.

"Whatever." Eric whispered. "And my brother could do way better than you."

Heart. Shattered.

"I mean, Nikki and Charlotte both look like better pickings than your slob ass." Eric laughed.

Allan looked at Eric in anger. I could tell he was pissed.

************************************~~Allan's POV~~

Okay I have to step in here.

I knew Chloe had feelings for me. Pa and I talked about it. He said I had permission to love her. So what my brother said definitely pissed me off.

"What?" Eric chuckled. "It's true. Savannah is eying you man."

"Savannah? She's 18." I replied. "She's eying Mark, you jackass."

I looked at Chloe and I could tell she was hurt by his words. I hugged her immediately and she began to sob.

"What a crybaby." Eric grumbled. "If it was up to me she'd be sold back!"

That word made me snap.

"She's not property you pathetic waste of excrement." I growled.

"Boys!" Mama said as she walked in. "Enough! Now we talked about this Eric. Allan has the right to choose who he loves."

"Whatever." Eric sighed. "Count me out on the ballgame. Don't want drama to ruin it."

Chloe whimpered as I pet her hair. Poor girl.

************************************~~Chloe's POV~~

C'mon. It's my turn silly.

I felt so warm in his arms. Those strong, muscular arms. I just wanted to kiss him! Oof the temptation was real!!!

"Let's go!" Mark said. "Drake said he'll fill in for Eric!"

"You'll be good." Allan said.

"Yes.." I began, but stopped immediately.

"Don't worry." Allan whispered. "You can say it."

"Yes daddy." I said.

He blushed. I blushed.



Ah the ballpark. I missed baseball back home. I'd never been to Citi Field. But I loved the Mets. It was a warm May afternoon. Perfect for baseball. I sat up with my 'Cuse Mets hat on and Allan's arm around me. Destiny was just chuckling. She's more of a Cubs fan. Nikki was also a Mets fan. Char was a Sox fan. Drake was a Yankees fan. Allan and Mark were both Mets fans.

The game was good. Very good. Mets won 15-8. I caught a home run ball and immediately gave it to a little kid behind me. The smile on his face made my day.

Suddenly I felt something dump down my back. Something cold.


"The fuck?!" I looked around until I saw him.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me.." Allan groaned.

Franklin walked towards me.

"Well then." Franklin chuckled. "You're definitely scraping the barrel Chloe."

I got up to punch him flat in the mouth. And I did.

"You disrespectful little bitch." Franklin growled as he grabbed my arm and twisted it.


I began to yelp in pain.

Allan shoved Franklin away and grabbed him.

"You hurt her again ." Allen growled. "And I swear on my grandmother's grave I will gut you from testicles to eyeballs. Are we clear?"

"Let me go peasant!" Franklin growled as security showed up.

Security restrained Franklin and asked us what happened.

My arm was broken, so I had to get it fixed. That was a process in itself.


After the nightmare that was today, I lay down and sighed. I was sick of bullshit.

My phone buzzed.

I checked.

"Come by my room."

I smiled. Allan had my back.

"On my way."

I got up and walked to Allan's room. I knew right where it was. 2nd room under the stairs. I knocked.

"Come in." Allan said.

I walked in.

"Are you okay?" Allan's father asked.

"I'm fine." I replied. "Should be healed in a few weeks. I hope I won't be a burden."

"About that.." Allan said.

"What?" I asked.

"Eric finally fessed up." Allan's father replied.

"Eric bought the tickets as an excuse for you to be returned to Franklin." Allan said.

"WHAT?!" I was shocked.

"It's true." Eric replied. "All of it."

I was so angry. I walked out and lay down on my bed crying. I was so friendly to Eric..and he planned to sell me back to that bastard..

Allan texted me again.

It was a link.

"Man linked to human trafficking ring arrested in Queens."

They busted him.

I read the article.

Suddenly I felt myself being hugged.

"Careful." I said.

"Look..I'm sorry." Eric said. "I'm sorry I was a prick."

"A major one." I laughed.

Eric pulled over a chair.

"There's something I need to tell you." Eric said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"So remember how they said I was gonna sell you back?" Eric asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well." Eric sighed. "It was part of a sting by the police."

"Wait what?!" I asked.

"The police expected me to be there in case Franklin was at the game so I could bust him." Eric explained.

"Oh.." I said.

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