It has been a couple months since the Syracuse trip. Dale writes every week to Nikki. And she always writes back. Hey at least she's doing better. She's still cutting but it's not as bad as before.

"Nikki someone's at the door!" I told her.

She opened it.

************************************~~Ralph's POV~~

I saw her and immediately began to cry. It was all my fault. Everything was. I blamed myself. I sighed.

"D-Dad?!" Nikki asked.

"Oh my sweet Jesus!" I sobbed as she hugged me. "My angel is safe.."

I heard Nikki start to cry. I tried to calm her but I didn't know how.

"Come in." she said.

I walked in and kicked off my shoes, because manners.

"Baby who's this?" some boy asked.

"Dad, this is Eric." Nikki said.

"So you're the one Dale mentioned." I smiled. "I'm Ralph. I'm her father."

"Eric." he replied as he shook my hand.

"And papa this is Chloe." Nikki said.

"I remember you." I told Chloe.

"Yeah I used to date Franklin." Chloe replied. "I'm sorry about the-"

"No need." I replied. "He got what he deserved."

************************************~~Nikki's POV~~

Okay something was off. My father.. being NICE?! What?!

"Dad this is Destiny." I said as she hugged me.

"Hello Destiny." Dad replied.

"Hihi." Destiny giggled.

"And this is Allan." I said. "He's Chloe's boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you." Dad said.

"Indeed." Allan replied.

"The others are away." I said. "They took a holiday by the sea."

My father nodded.

"Dad why are you here?" I asked.

"Because." Dad said. "It's your birthday."

My birthday. Holy shit.

I'd forgotten about my birthday. How foolish of me!

"Well baby why don't you and the girls get ready for dinner while I sort out some things?" Daddy asked.

"Okie!" I giggled as I skipped to Leah's room.

"So girls let's get the birthday girl ready." Leah said as she pulled out an elegant dress and her makeup kit.

I saw Destiny blush and I giggled. She had such a girl boner for Leah. Couldn't blame her tho. Leah was kinda hot. Not as hot as Eric, but still. Hehehe I bet if Allan didn't have Chloe's heart, Leah definitely would. I'm not even bisexual but I'd definitely go gay for a hot woman. Oof but I'm straight. So I'm stuck with Eric the police stud. Not complaining tho. Destiny was so cute tho!!!

After all the makeup was on, I walked out and saw daddy in a tux. So I knew we were going somewhere fancy. I blushed thinking about him. He had yet to claim the sexual realm. I wonder if he's a virgin..maybe I'd take his virginity like Chloe took Allan's. Hehe that would actually be so worth it! But I doubted he was a virgin. I mean he has a solid six-pack and muscles girls would fantasize over. How would such a sexy man be a virgin?! Like who wouldn't wanna rub her booty on his lap? But hopefully no hoes try to do that shit now. He's mine now. MINE! MY DADDY! Mm so tasty. I'm trying my best to not drool. But it's hard when a man looks so good you're body is just BEGGING for his touch.

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