It was the usual night. Dark and this time quite stormy. I lay awake as the breeze touched the windows with grace. I got up and walked to the balcony. I watched as the storm slowly faded away. I was scared. I wasn't scared because I hated storms. I was scared because the future was uncertain for me. I was beginning to feel like power was going to our heads. I love Allan to death. But something was serious weird. Maybe the impending trip home.

"Hey." Charlotte said as she hugged me.

"Hey.." I replied as I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Charlotte asked.

"I'm just stressed.." i replied as I saw something bright start to go up to our right.

The sunrise.

"Pwetty.." I said.

"I know." Charlotte replied. "C'mon. We have a long drive."

I walked back to my room and got dressed. It would be warm so I was happy.

"Hey munchkin." Daddy said as he hugged me from behind.

"Hi Daddy!" I giggled.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Mhmms!" I giggled as he picked me up.

"Okay." Daddy replied. "Now we're going to be taking the girls and my sister."

"Okie." I giggled.

I already knew Mark and Eric would stay behind on family business.  I didn't care really. I got the chance to go home for the first time in ages!!


The drive was long and boring. I slept through most of it. Of course daddy had me in a diaper so I wouldn't have an accident in the car. It was fine anyway. I was too tired to really care.

Suddenly I woke up and saw it.

The Carrier Dome.

I was finally home.

Daddy got off the highway eventually and we stopped in front of this beautiful house. Victor's house. He stood outside, staring at us like a vulture. I missed him. But I had heard he recently got engaged. He opened the door and I hopped out.

"Chloe!" Katie, Vic's fiance, said. "Darling it's so good to see you!"

"Welcome back Chloe." Vic said with his wonderful French accent. No he's not from France!! His mother just spoke French.

"I'm so glad to be back." I giggled.

Suddenly I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Chloe?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

"Aunt Georgia?!" I ask.

************************************~~Georgia's POV~~

"Sweetie I've been trying to contact you for months!" I cried. "Blake was worried shitless!"

"It's okay." she replied. "Come over to Victor's."

"I live just down the street." I said. "I'll be over in a minute."

I hung up and walked downstairs. Blake grabbed his coat and we walked out of the house. Soon I saw her. And a man I didn't recognize.

"Hey auntie!!" Chloe giggled.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I asked the man as I glared at him.

"Mrs. Georgia." Vic said. "Calm down. It's only Allan. He's the son of Mr. Dixon. Don't worry. He's taken good care of her."

I calmed down and walked inside at the insistence of Joanne. Apparently she'd made a fine shepherd's pie. Boy did I miss her pie. I hadn't been over in ages.

"Mum are you drunk again?!" Vic asked.

************************************~~Victor's POV~~

Did I really just say "mum"?! Holy shit I'm watching too much Hell's Kitchen.

"Only one glass." my mother giggled.

I could tell she was lying. Holy shit. Chloe comes home and my mother decided to make a fool of herself.

Begin flashback:

I was holding Chloe close as she sobbed. The diagnosis had been grim: cancer. I was shocked. Her mother was as healthy as my cat. And then my mother walked in.

"Vic what do you want for supper?" mom asked.

"I'll make some spaghetti." I said.

"Alright." Mom replied. "So is Chloe staying for dinner?"

"I think it's best that she does." I replied.

I walked into the kitchen and felt the pressure. I was nervous. And only one thing would calm me.

"Alexa, play Victor's cooking playlist." I said.

"Playing Victor's cooking playlist." Alexa replied.

As I started the water, all I could hear was stopping from my room. Everything felt strange. Almost as if Chloe had broken deep down inside. No words could really come for her in this stage of sorrow.

End flashback

I looked at my mother and she could tell I was angry. She had promised not to get drunk but what did she do? She had gotten drunk. Drank a whole bottle of wine. That was my mother, Joanne Boucher. Nothing but a wortless drunk.

"Mother you are embarrassing me." I sighed. "Whatever i'll just deal with it. That's what I always do anyway. Deal with you in a drunken state, ever since dad died. I'm trying my best mom."

"I've tried my best, Victor." Mom replied as she cried. "i'm trying my best to throw away the alcohol. I'm sorry for being an embarrassment, for being a failed mother. For being an idiot sandwich."

"Don't you dare say that about yourself." I said as i hugged her.

Everyone sat down at the table as my mother calmed down. I set her to bed and she relaxed. I can hear her humming almost as if she was singing in Italian. Reminded me of something grandpa what do.
It was only then that I realized how my mother truly felt. Losing my father was what broke her. I walked back to the table and sat down giving myself a portion of shepherd's pie. both my mother and Katie's mother made some of the best shepherd's pie this side of the Mississippi. Hell, probably this side of the Atlantic.

"Delicious." Chloe said.

"How is the chicken so tender?" Allan asked.

"A good Chef never cooks and tells." I replied with a smile. "It's a combination of Katie's mother's recipe with my mother's recipe."

Everyone had a good time. My mind was still on the baseball game tomorrow. I'd be going, of course. But everything was starting to feel awkward.

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