I was in the hospital. The doctor was being nice. He was friendly. But I was still scared. Why? Well daddy said I may need a shot. And I hate needles!

"Okay Chloe." the doctor said. "You don't need a shot."

I sighed in relief.

The nurse came in with the paperwork and daddy signed me out.

"Ready?" Daddy asked.

"Mhmm" I replied.

We went home to find Charlotte rubbing her tummy and Destiny being amazed.

"So..dere ish a baby in dere?" Destiny asked.

"Yes." Charlotte replied.

Charlotte was pro-life. But not anti-abortion. She hated war and said the death penalty was cruel. Which it was.

I went to the kitchen to make something but daddy stopped me.

"Not today baby." he said.

************************************~~Allan's POV~~

My baby was sometimes too curious for her own good. I walked to the fridge and grabbed myself a diet Coke. And I saw her trying to make something. Great. I sat her at the table and got out some Oreos for both of us. She couldn't help but look at my drink.

"Gwown up juice?" she asked.

"No baby it's soda." I replied.

"What ish gwown up juice?" she asked.

"This is grown-up juice." Mom said as she pulled out a bottle of wine. I was actually happy she was understanding what my baby was saying.

"Ohs.." Chloe said

Mom put the wine back and went to watch TV with Charlotte and Leah.

"Daddy uppies!" Chloe said.

I picked her up and kissed her nose. She giggled.

I heard some noise in the girls room. I walked in and saw Nikki and Destiny watching Eric. Well, Destiny was in La La Land and Nikki was fantasizing over my brother.

"Yo Al wanna play?" Eric asked. "I have a couple more controllers."

"Sure!" I replied. "Baby do you wanna play zombies with daddy?"

"Yay!" Chloe giggled.

I chuckled and handed her a controller.

It was fun playing with her.

"Yes!" Eric chuckled. "Yes! Explode!!"

"Die Satan's minions!" Chloe giggled.

"K to the I to the A zom-bitch!" I chuckled.

"Dwaddy saids a no-no word!" Chloe giggled.

"It was about the game." I reminded her.

Then she got surrounded and went down.


"Potty mouth!" Nikki yelled.

"Chloe." I sighed. "What did I tell you about swearing?"

"B-But.." she began.

"No buts babygirl." I reminded her. "Before bed you're getting punished."

"Ywes daddy.." she pouted.

Mom and dad popped in.

"Alright we're heading out!" Mom said as she hugged the girls first then my brothers and I.

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