************************************~~Destiny's POV~~

That night was LONG. Nikki was with Eric. Charlotte had already upgraded to Mark's room. Then there was Chloe. I had a feeling she was here as punishment. Until I heard her whimpering. Did he hurt her?

I waddled closer and saw her legs were close together. Like someone was not letting her pee. Or.. pleasuring her?

I looked up and saw her underwear was SOAKED. And I mean SOAKED.

Suddenly I felt tingly.

By this time I knew I was gay. But I had to restrain myself.

Suddenly I heard a gasp.

"Oh fudge.." Chloe said. "I'm so soaked."

I blushed because she noticed my curiosity.

"Destiny?!" she asked "Why are you snooping?!"

"Uh.." I said. "Meow?"

Chloe blushed.

Damn she was hot.

"Don't be shy." Chloe said. "I didn't mind."

"Wait you're gay too?!" I asked.

"Bisexual." Chloe replied as she pulled me on top.

"Uh.." I began.

"You're older." Chloe whispered.

"What about your daddy?" I asked.

"Girls never kiss and tell." she replied with a wink.

I slowly began to grind against her and felt why she was needy.

"Oh fuck.." she whispered.

Damn this felt good. Mmm..

I took it nice and slow. Sure it was hard but I had a feeling of what to do. I of course didn't tell her it was my first time. It felt good. I had a feeling Allan would be watching and jacking off.

"Oh fuck!" I whimpered as I came.

"Holy shit.." Chloe giggled. Damn she was acting like she was high as fuck.

"I..uh.." I began.

"First time?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah.." I sighed.

"No wonder you took your time." Chloe chuckled. "Now I gotta get this stupid vibrator off of me."

I walked into the living room to find Eric listening to music. Some band that he liked. They were new. I recognized the tune tho. Wait..

"What's that band?" I asked.

"Seven Past Sunset." Eric replied. "Their first song 'Overwhelmed'."

"That's why it sounds familiar!" I giggled. "Sarah played that in the van!"

"Ironic." Eric laughed.

Suddenly a chill seemed to conquer me.

I looked down and saw a mark on my sweatpants.

My period had to come NOW?!

I looked up at the TV.

Looks like the Raptors beat the Warriors. And the Blues had already beaten the Bruins..


Hey all! Sorry for the lack of updates! I had to wait for the Stanley Cup Final to finish. But I waited too long and the NBA Finals finished as well! So congrats to both the St Louis Blues and the Toronto Raptors!!!

So what do you think about Destiny? Is her rant warranted? Or is she being a drama queen?

Also I'm going to be updating this more often after the 17th. So stay alert!

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