Life with that man was amazing.

He was an investor in New York. He worked every day and made his fortune on the stocks after his discharge from the Navy. He played it safe. Now he was retired and bought us for one reason:

To satisfy his sons.

His sons were sweet. The one I was paired with, Allan, was the main reason I stayed. He said I could run at any time. But I was crazy.

One day he came home super grumpy. He tossed his bag down and sighed. By contract, I knew I had to make him and his brothers, Mark and Eric, something as they just got out from school and work.

This time they invited us to join them.

"Just because you work for us doesn't mean you serve us 24/7." Allan said.

Then we heard a knock on the door. I opened it.


Destiny collapsed into my arms. She was battered and bruised. She had blisters on her feet.

"The fuck happened?!" Allan asked.

"I..had to run away.." she replied. "The man they sent me to was a monster. He would literally chase me with a shotgun for fun. I walked here all the way from West Virginia.."

I sighed.

Suddenly there was pounding on the door.


Destiny froze.

Allan and his brothers got up and looked at the door. They knew everything.

"What's going on?" The father asked as he walked in from the other entrance.

"This girl is in danger." Mark said.

A look of guilt swarmed him.

I hugged him.

Then the door burst open.

A man with a camo shirt and shorts on walked in. He had his shotgun at the ready.

"Give me Destiny now." he began. "Or I will shoot all of you."

"Fuck off!" Destiny whined.

"So be it." the man said as he loaded his gun.

Allan tried to fight back and take the gun.

The gun just broke.

I laughed.

"Now get the fuck out." Allan growled.

The man sighed and left. Destiny cried into Nikki's arms.


I sighed as I crawled into bed that night. It was late. Almost midnight. Perfect. I watched the clock until it hit midnight.

"Hey beautiful" Allan said as he walked by me.

"Happy birthday." I said.

"You too." he replied.

I blushed. It was also my 19th birthday.

I liked it here. Sure, it sucked being sold like property. But they treated us so well. We actually got paid! It was an allowance we earned on the weekly. I was saving up for Fashion Week stuff. Char wanted to save up for a new guitar. Nikki was saving up for something personal.

That night, the boys' mother showed up. She'd been gone for a week for business in Boston, but she came in and walked to us. She sat down and made sure we were all okay. But I couldn't sleep. Something was wrong.

I thought I was gonna throw up. But then I realized my problem.

My crotch was soaked.

I was thinking so much about Allan that I got wet. Fuck. Oops.

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