NBT Bank Stadium.

A diamond in the rough for Syracuse baseball.

And I was finally going to a 'Cuse Mets game.

Victor chuckled as he lead us to our seats. I enjoyed his calm nature. But I knew he could snap in seconds. Better stay on his good side. Hehe..

"Shopping time!!!" Daddy chuckled as we headed to the souvenir shop.

I walked inside and immediately found a cute pink hat with the Mets logo on it.

Sure, I hated the logo. But it was a cute hat. Don't judge me!

"Oh my.." Nikki said as she walked out.

"Nikki stay close." Vic said.

"Puppy!" she giggled as she pointed at Scooch, the mascot.

They kept Scooch! Yay!!! But I didn't see Pops anywhere. Aw man..I guess he looked too much like Mr. Met, which I understood.

"Yeah that's Scooch." Vic said. "Now we can see him later okay?"

"Okie.." she whimpered.

After I finished my shopping, we went over and hugged Scooch. Must've been weird having a bunch of women mob a mascot who mainly appealed to kids, but it was okay. Oh well. Some people actually thought it was cute. Hehe that little charm worked for us again!!


Everything was amazing. Even though the Mets lost 4-3. I was sad but we had fun.

I woke up the next afternoon with Daddy tapping me as he was on the phone.

"What do you mean he's dead?" Daddy asked. "Calm down Eric. Explain. Okay. Chloe's gonna be heartbroken. I'll let her know. Okay..bye."

Daddy picked me up and sighed.

"Baby.." daddy sighed. "They found Etika."

"Weally?!" I squeaked. "Where?! Ish he okie?!"

"He's in a better place." Daddy sighed.

I began to pout. My favorite YouTuber was dead. And I felt so bad.

"Baby it's okay." Daddy whispered. "Shhh..he's not in pain anymore sweetheart."

I couldn't stop crying.

Daddy handed me my phone and I saw a tweet from PewDiePie. He was shocked. Poor Pewds..I felt bad for Etika's famiwy..

I tried to calm down. But soon my tummy grumbled. I looked at daddy and he nodded, taking me downstairs so he could warm up a bottle for me.


Short chapter. I know it's off my normal formula to not write a super long chapter ((800+ words)). But I hit a wall with writing.

I meant to release both chapter 14 and chapter 15 before Tuesday. However, I ran outta time due to things outside my control. And unfortunately, on the 25th, the news came out about Etika being gone. Mental health is not a joke. It's a terrible thing that we can't be cured of. If you're suffering from mental health and feel like hurting yourself, talk to someone. Please. If you know someone who's struggling with mental health, please listen to them. Please help them. Because listening to them could be the difference between life and death.

RIP Etika. The YouTube family mourns you.

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