Last night was amazing. Oof my body felt good. I had leaked on the bed. Well shit.

"Hey sweetheart." Allan said as he kissed me.

"Hey you." I said with a smirk.

"How was last night?" he asked.

"Oh it was amazing!" I replied. "Best sex I've ever had. Then again the other times was gang-bangers.."

"Wait what?!" he asked

"Yeah Franklin had a reputation of letting his goons fuck his girls." I replied.

I could see the anger in his eyes. It hurt..

"I'm sorry.." he said. "Also..I asked was my first time."

Well damn.

"For your first time you definitely were agressive." I replied.

"You played my hand." he chuckled.

"Well round two wouldn't sound so bad." I whispered.

I saw him blush.

"Well if you want round 2.." he began.

"Just do it already!!" I giggled. "These undies ain't gonna take themselves off."

At that point he pinned me down and growled like a hungry wolf.

"Hehehehe" I smiled.

"Condom or no?" he asked.

"Definitely need one." I replied. "Don't need the risk of getting pregnant."

He put one on and then took everything off me but my glasses.

"Ready?" Allan asked

"Fuck your little girl, daddy." I replied as I reached for him.

He didn't waste a minute and immediately fucked me.

If I thought the 1st time was good, damn the second was amazing!!! Allan was amazing at sex. Oof.

"Mm yes" I moaned. "Yes fuck the shit out of me!!!"

I put his hand on my neck and he lightly squeezed. Mmm~

"Oh fuck." Allan said as he pounded me hardcore.

I couldn't even talk. It was that good.

When he finally came, I sighed and snuggled into his chest.

"Baby what's that mark on your chest?" Allan asked.

Shit. He saw it.

************************************~~Allan's POV~~

I wasn't angry. Not at Chloe. I saw the scar and read it.

Franklin's little slut.

That bastard.

I heard a knock.

"Allan! Freddy's on the phone!"

"Coming!" I replied.

I got dressed and walked to the phone.

"Go ahead Fred." I said.

"Yo homies." Freddy said. "I got good news. The gig at the Opry is still on!"

That was awesome.

"And even better! Big Machine is gonna be seeing if we can get a contract!"

No way.

"Holy shit." I said.

"That's awesome!" Mark said.

"Yes!!!" Leah cheered.

"Peace out homies." Freddy said as he hung up.

I was still mad. But I wanted to calm down. So I turned on the TV and watched some South Park. It was quite funny.

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" Chloe said as she laughed.

"You bastards!" Leah chuckled.

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