**Four years later**

"You look amazing!!!" Nikki said as I got in my dress.

"I know." I giggled.

"Tina get my phone." Destiny said. "Let's get some photos of the girl."

"Mommy do I have to wear this?" Clementine asked.

"Yes sweetie." Char replied.

"Well shit." Blake said. "You look so beautiful, Chloe."

"Language!" I giggled.

"Aunt Chloe you look pretty!!" Clementine said.

"Thanks Clem." I replied.

Mrs. Dixon walked in and smiled.

"You look so beautiful." she said.

"Thanks Mom." I replied. Yes I was already calling her mom. What was I supposed to do?

I looked in the mirror. Four years. Four years of careful planning. I was definitely nervous. How could I mess this up? I was scared. I was praying I wouldn't fail. I was ready. I had to control my little side. But I had a feeling I could.

"You can be little, sis." Tina said. "You deserve that much."

She handed me my pacifier and I took it with a smile. I was so cute!!!

Then I saw the collar that Daddy bought over a year ago.

"Titi!!" I begged.

"Yes?" she asked.

I pointed at the collar and made grabby hands immediately.

"Okay I got it sis." Tina giggled as she helped me.

She'd gotten so used to my little space that I wasn't annoying to her.

"Oh my God!" Sarah said. "You're gonna knock his socks off!"

"She's so beautiful.." Tony giggled.

"Allan is lucky." Katie said.

"Yeah the homie is!" Freddy chuckled.

"Enough about that." Victor said. "We have to be in our places in five minutes!!!"

Shit. Time to shine.

"Alright!" I said. "Tina get my bouquet!"

"I know." Tina chuckled.

"Nervous?" Blake asked.

"Very." I replied. "Let's go."


Clem put the petals perfectly. Silly girl. Leo, who was Leah's adopted son, carried the rings. He was so adorable. Then there were the bridesmaids: Nikki, Sarah, Katie, Destiny, Charlotte, Leah, and Tina, my maid of honor. Then the groomsmen: Eric, Dale, Victor, Gino, Daddy's cousin Billy, Blake's friend Raymond, and finally Mark, Daddy's best man.

Then it was my turn. Blake volunteered to walk me down the aisle. Everyone rose and I saw daddy for the first time all day. Oh my God..he looked so sexy. I could be drooling already.

And suddenly I blushed. He saw my cute smile.

Everyone had smiles on their faces and some had their phones out. I walked up to where Allan was standing and smiled.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" the preacher asked.

"I do." Blake replied. I could tell he wanted to cry.

Everyone giggled.


"Do you, Chloe, take Allan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish him for as long as you both shall live?" the preacher asked.

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