Author's Update

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Hey all. So I have some unfortunate news. The next chapter will unfortunately be the last one. However, it's not because I hate the story. I love it. It's just been hard.

Now I'm sure y'all are familiar with the term "development hell". It's mostly affiliated with videogames and sometimes television. I've been struggling with both a bit of writer's block and a bit of developmental hell on this book. It's been sometimes so difficult to write, that I'm gonna be struggling with finishing it. But that's why I wanna finish this.

Now with that being said, yes there will be a sequel. I don't want you to think I'm abandoning this story. In fact, I'm finishing this part because I don't want to make the book too much for some people. I already know this book is gonna be controversial. But I'm excited for the future.

So in the end, it's not because I hate this story. In fact, I love it. I'm excited to see how many of you will enjoy the final chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading both this and my other works. I love you all. Y'all are the fire that keeps the machine going. Whether you're reading this after the book is fully finished or were reading from the first published chapter, then I'm glad you decided to try my book. I hope you all enjoy the final chapter. It might take a few days to get the entire chapter written but I'll do my best. Thank you for reading and I hope you all understand. If you do, awesome. If not, I understand. I can't control your reactions. This story is one I've had on my mind since January. Please let me know what you think. Just don't be a prick about it.


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