Yoongi's life two years ago

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Min Junsu is shaking in fear in front of four leaders of BLACKPINK. He borrowed money from this mafia organization and idea of paying back has never crossed his mind. He just like spending time in casino, drinking and playing but it also caused that he has lost every won and now his pockets are empty. Junsu doesn't want to work so he thought that he can run away from Seoul but BLACKPINK's leaders are smarter than him. So they came tonight in his ugly small flat to beat their money out of him.

Lisa is playing with a baseball bat and she is going to hit Junsu's knee again when the front door opened and a small boy walked inside. They are staring on each other and then the boy tried to run away. Jennie quickly grabbed hood off his worn out hoodie and tossed him on floor. The boy is now crying and crawled to his father.

"Please .... let us go. I don't have your money."

Junsu is pleading them and the boy hided behind him.

"I have only my son Yoongi."

Junsu suddenly realized something.

"You can take Yoongi! He can pay my debt!"

Yoongi gasped and looked on his father. Also the young women are shocked, they are used for sick bastards but Min Junsu is the biggest one. Junsu grabbed shoulder off his son and threw him to legs off the four girls. While they are collecting the petite boy from floor, Junsu used this moment to dash out of the flat and he disappeared in the dark night. BLACKPINK leaders picked up the small boy who is now crying in fear and weakly fights with them. Yoongi is looking on the four girls who are standing above him and feels so tiny. Who are they? Yoongi thinks that they are really beautiful but also scary, especially the one with a baseball bat. They are saying something but Yoongi doesn't hear them because of blood rushing in his ears and everything is spinning around him until he feels that his knees are turning into a jelly. He suddenly collapsed right into Jennie's arms.

They had no idea what happened when suddenly the boy collapsed and Jennie caught him in the last second before he could get hurt. Jennie is holding him and looked on her friends.

"Why are you only staring on me?! Help me!"

They woke up from their shock and helped her to pick him up.

"What now?"

The boy can't stay alone in this ugly small flat, he has no money and his father is gone so there are only two options. Taking him with them or leaving him to fight on his own. The girls don't have such a hard hearts to leave this cute boy alone so thanks to their soft hearts there is only one option for them.

Jennie picked him up and her pretty lips curled into an O shape because the boy is really light. She doesn't even feel that she is carrying a boy and they get in their jeep. Lisa is driving and in half an hour they are stopping in front of their house. The ride home felt like it was long few seconds because Jennie, Jisoo and Rosé are staring on the unconscious boy and Jennie can't help but strokes his pretty cheeks and small doll shaped lips. They are amazed by cuteness of this boy, how is it possible that he is so small and cute. It is a boy but he looks like a doll.

Jennie carefully got out of the car with Yoongi in her arms and they walked inside the house. They don't know how to wake him up so they decided to only tuck him in bed. Soon Yoongi is tucked in a bed which is bigger than his old bedroom and Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé are standing around the bed and watch the cute boy. They found Yoongi adorable but it still doesn't solve fact that they can't have a kid. After few minutes of staring on him they started to think that it is creepy and left the room. They go in their bedrooms but it is hard to sleep.

In the morning Yoongi woke up in such a comfy bed that it feels like a cloud. He slowly opened his eyes and screamed in shock. Where is he? This is so fancy and nice. Yoongi is sitting in the bed and thinks about what happened last night. He remembers walking home and some girls were in their flat. His father has run away and left him alone. Yoongi got scared because when he is here, then it means that the girls took him. He knows that many cruel things can happen and he isn't the strongest boy. Yoongi can't fight and some kids from his school use this disadvantage for their benefits. But now no one is around and he can try to run away.

Yoongi jumped out of the bed and silently runs to the door. He opened them and peeked outside. Yes, no one is here so he runs to find way out of this place. Yoongi is sneaking though the hallway where are many paintings hanging on walls and there are many doors. Yoongi is extra careful to not make any sound around the doors and then stands on top of stairs which are leading down in a luxury hall.

 Yoongi is extra careful to not make any sound around the doors and then stands on top of stairs which are leading down in a luxury hall

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Yoongi is slowly walking down the stairs and keeps listening if someone isn't coming. Yoongi managed to get in the hall and then looked around. This house is like a huge castle and Yoongi doesn't see front door. There are only big windows so maybe he can use them. Yoongi opened a nearest window with quite a lot of difficulties but then some alarm went on. Yoongi jumped away from the window and stares in shock. What happened?! Yoongi is panicking and hears quick footsteps getting closer to him. Yoongi started to run and doesn't even care where which is a big mistake because suddenly he stormed in dining room where are sitting the girls from yesterday.

 Yoongi started to run and doesn't even care where which is a big mistake because suddenly he stormed in dining room where are sitting the girls from yesterday

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They all froze and stare on each other. After few seconds Yoongi made a dash out of that room and hears sounds of chairs scraping against the floor. The girls are running behind him and Yoongi feels that he pissed himself in fear. What are they going to do to him?! Yoongi is crying and sees another people running toward him from second end of the hallway. He stopped in his tracks and looked behind. People are running toward him from each direction and he doesn't have another way how to escape. He pressed his back to a wall and feels panic crushing his chest. The people stopped few meters away from him and Yoongi tries to make himself smaller. He feels like he can't breathe and his heart is painfully beating against his ribcage. Jennie sees that the boy is going to pass out again and she opened her arms in the right moment before he can hit his head against the floor. 

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