Yoongi's fear

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BLACKPINK is a powerful mafia organization with many members, but it doesn't mean that the four bosses don't need to do dangerous things. Tonight the girls had a meeting with the Chinese mafia to discuss their big new deal. However, something went wrong and cops appeared out of nowhere. The meeting turned into a huge chaos after that. Bullets were flying though the air, people were screaming and running away. Jisoo thought that she is okay, adrenaline was rushing through her veins and she didn't realize that a bullet hit her.

They got in a car and rushed home and only then Jisoo felt the burning pain in her side. She looks down to find blood soaking up her shirt and she lifts the fabric to find an ugly wound in her side. Jisoo groans in pain and Lisa quickly turned to her. She gasped after seeing the bleeding wound and yells at Jennie to go faster. Jisoo feels weak, she is rapidly loosing blood and black dots start to appear in front of her eyes. Lisa is repeating that she must stay awake, but it is hard. Hair is sticking to her sweaty forehead and Jisoo has troubles with breathing. Jennie is driving like a lunatic and soon their house shows in front of them.

Rosé and Lisa support Jisoo and help her out of the car and in the house. A maid opened the front door for them and Rosé starts barking orders at her. She runs to get Amber to help them and Lisa looks around.

"Is Yoongi asleep?"

She really hopes that the boy isn't awake. It is late, but sometimes he decides to be a brat and refuses to respect his bedtime. They lay Jisoo on the bed in the empty guest room and Amber comes with a big box full of medical supplies.

"The doctor is on his way!"

Until the doctor arrives, Amber tries to slow down the bleeding. It takes a while before the doctor arrives and gets to work. Jisoo is unconscious and the three women are standing around the bed and help the doctor with treating Jisoo's wound. He is pulling a bullet out of her body so it is good that she is unconscious and doesn't know what is happening around her. Soon the wound is stitched and covered with a white bandage while Jennie and Rosé are trying to gently clean Jisoo's body. Blood is drying on her skin and they can't let her sleep dirty like this. After some time they are done and dressed Jisoo in a nightgown. Lisa is worried to leave her alone so she stays there and Jennie with Rosé go into their bedrooms. Jennie checks on Yoongi for the last time and sighs while watching the sleeping boy who is tightly hugging a stuffed bear and sucks on a pacifier. They don't know why, but the pacifier is magical and helps Yoongi with falling asleep. Jennie silently closed the door and goes into her bedroom. This night was terrible, the worst one in the last few years and Jennie wants to sleep so bad and just forget about everything.

Jisoo is still sleeping, but she looks better. Her skin isn't so pale as before and a bit of healthy color came back in her cheeks. Lisa and Rosé are taking care of her. They are reading books to her, keep fixing the blanket and pillows so Jisoo is comfy. Jisoo is doing fine, but Yoongi isn't. He is crying since the morning because he wants to eat breakfast with his four mommies and only Jennie shows up. They have scrambled eggs and bacon, Yoongi usually loves this food, but now he is crying and stomping his feet.


Jennie is desperate and tries to bribe him with a cup of hot chocolate, but nothing can work when Yoongi misses his mommies. He wants them all, all four mommies!

Jennie decided that Yoongi can't attend school, he isn't in the right condition. He is worried, fussy and anxious. so no school for him. Jennie can't take him to see Jisoo because she is still unconscious and Yoongi can't see her like this with an oxygen mask placed over her mouth and nose with blood transfusion and IV drip next to her bed.

Jennie called Lisa and Rosé so they can be together for a while before Lisa and Rosé lied that they have some work they need to do together with Jisoo. Yoongi is sitting in Jennie's lap and occasionally sobs while they watch the TV. Not even cartoons can make him smile. He usually likes The Smurfs, but now he is looking so sad that Jennie's heart clenches. She makes him a big bowl of cheese popcorn and fills a sippy cup with apple juice. Yoongi slowly sucks on the sippy cup and eats the warm popcorn, but no snack can fill the hole in his heart. Why are his mommies working? Why didn't mommy Jisoo have breakfast with him?

Maybe he did something bad. He is studying hard so he gets good grades. He sometimes doesn't want to clean his toys, so maybe that's why she is mad and doesn't want to see him. Yoongi starts to cry again and rubs his bloodshot eyes with his small fists. He is getting tired due to crying so much and so he rests his head on Jennie's shoulder. She can see that the little one is exhausted, so she carefully picks him up and carries him in his bedroom. Yoongi is fast asleep in the matter of few minutes. Jennie takes one of his many pacifiers and gently rubs the rubber teat against his lips until Yoongi opened his mouth a bit and starts to suck. The pacifier works fast and Yoongi calms down.

Jennie goes to see how is Jisoo doing and to her huge relief finds out that she woke up. Jisoo is still feeling very weak, but smiles at Jennie.

"Where is our baby?"

Jisoo heard some terrible crying and she is sure that it was Yoongi.

"He is sad without you and he cried himself to sleep."

Jisoo sighs and closes her eyes for a few seconds.

"My poor baby."

Lisa told her to stop worrying and sleep and Jisoo doesn't argue. She fell asleep again, but when she woke up a few hours later she asked Lisa to bring Yoongi.

Yoongi woke up only a few minutes ago and he is still warm from his bed and his hair is tousled when Lisa came to bring him to Jisoo. Yoongi wraps his arms around her neck. He doesn't ask where are they going but then she opened the door of Jisoo's bedroom and walked inside with Yoongi clinging to her.

"Mommy isn't feeling well, so be careful, okay?"

Yoongi nodded and Lisa put him down on Jisoo's bed. Jisoo is sitting in her bed and slowly opened her arms. She tries to not wince in pain because the wound burns really bad. Yoongi hesitantly crawled in her arms and Jisoo smiles at him.

"I missed you too."

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