Canada -> new york ✈️

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Duncan's POV

"Well, Princess So you want get some donuts?" I said pouting at the donut store

"Are you gona pay?" She said giggling

"Hahaha, So funny" I said so sarcastically and rolls my eyes playfully

Courtney giggled

I kissed her cheek

We walked to the donut store, there were a lots of flavors

"Which flavor do you want? And frosting" I said holding her jaw so she could face me

"I will have, normal donut flavor with sugar" she said with an baby face

"Okay and I will have an normal donut"
I said with an smirk

"Okay the will be 10.00 dollars " the cashier person said

"Mhmm thanks Duncan" Courtney said while we were walking to the seats

"Again, what time the airplane comes?" I asked

"10:30" she said

"Well it's gona be 1 hour and 25 minutes to get over there.." I smirked at her

"I knew that" she smirked back

"What time is it?" She asked

"10:19" I said checking on my iPhone

"Have you heard the rumor?" She asked

"What rumor?" I put one eye brow up

"The Gwen, is pregnant by 'Trent' kid" she said giggling

"Impossible, Trent already to go Australia?" I said

"No he didn't the day at prom he was drunk, he was screaming at me calling me an slut and stuff like that and I got mad and didn't call my lawyers" I said with an attitude

"UGH WERE GONA BE LATE" a familiar voice screamed

"But, mi amor we're not it's 10:20" a other similar voice said

When me and Courtney looked up it was Alejandro my man and heather ma sister

"Wait is that heather and al?" She asked

"Duncan my broooo" Alejandro said

"Hey? Why are you here" I asked

"We forgot to tell that we were moving to New York to.. the same day" heather said

Me and Courtney were schocked..

Then an lady said "FLIGHT TO NEW YORK TO A-3"

We all made an line and gave the tickets

We went to sit on the sits on the plane, Courtney sitted on the window seat, and laid her head chest, for a minute there it was quite before want heather said

"MOVE YOU MORON" heather shouted at Alejandro

"Mi amor, wait I'm trying to put the leagues" Alejandro said putting the leagues up

Well this is gona be a long ride..

1 hour and 25 minutes later

Courtney POV

"Turn off your electronics, were about land and put your seatbelts on" The plane rider repeated 3 times

"Duncan.." I said with an soft voice

"Yes, Princess?" He said opening his eyes

"We are here"

"I can't wait move in with you.." Duncan said leaving an kiss on my forehead

"Me ether"

"Wait wait! This doesn't mean you can get me pregnant so fast" I said warning him

"What is the big deal? I want be an aunt" heather said smirking at Duncan

"I want be an tío" Alejandro said

I was blushing so hard I looked in the window

"So Princess here is your league" Duncan said giving me my leagues

"Thank you!" I said

"Ugh.. Romeo and Juliet can you hurry up" heather said looking at her nails

"Okay Queen.." Duncan said

When we got out the plane, we were trying find the exit, when we did  we saw the beauty of New York

"Okay is where is the house?" Heather asking Alejandro and Duncan

"Yeah Duncan where?" I glared at to of them

Well the guys.. are having problems.. so guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know is kinda cheesy..
I feel like heather when she said Romeo and Juliet bye!

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