Before wedding day

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Courtney POV
It's was 7:00 the crew were in the living room and the baby's upstairs sleeping

Me and Duncan couldn't get Damien to sleep if he was having nightmare.. or hungry or whatever

"So, you guys can have your stupid guy time." Heather said

"But no strippers." I said putting my hands in my hips

Then Duncan stared at me, then he went over me and purred in my ear

"Princess the only eyes I have for someone is you." He said purring in my ear

"And no other girl deserves the cock I gave ya yesterday" he said while kissing my cheek

"What the hell you said" heather asked Duncan with one eyebrow up

"Uhh.. he said no one deserves the pancakes he made for me yestarday" I said smiling widely

"Mhm.." heather said going upstairs

"Bye guys.." the girls said

"Bye.. can't wait see you tomorrow with the white dress of yours" Duncan said smirking

I looked away so he couldn't see my red

I went to an hangout room in the cabin I brought Damien and he wore an clothing the uncle Geoff gave him

I went to an hangout room in the cabin I brought Damien and he wore an clothing the uncle Geoff gave him

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I swear Duncan and his dudes are crazy.. as hell I don't want know what there doing

"Okay.. Courtney we ordered some James Charles and Kylie jennners make up kit.. so let's tried them on" heather said

"Guys.. I can't still believe I am gona get marry tomorrow" I said hugging Damien tightly

"Yeah.. just be careful Gwen is coming to Pennsylvania to 'ruin' your wedding to get Duncan back." Leshsawna said walking into the hangout room

"What the heck! The gothie has an kid and the 'kid' is young she needs take care of the baby and her life" Bridgette said

"Well the gothie needs to mind her God damn business." Heather snapped

"Isn't she with Trent?" Bridgette asked

"Hell no! When he found out she was pregnant, he was shook and thrown her out of his house" leshsawna chuckled

We all starded laughing

"What an whore!" We all chuckled again

The guys aren't having this much of fun

Duncan POV

Me and guys were playing some videos games in the other cabin next to our house cabin

"Wohooo the future-be-husband won!" Alejandro said

"Yeah I won, now give me the money" I said smirking

"Okay DONT be bragging beacuse you won the 60 dollars" Harold said

"Listen dork, If i won  I won." I said smirking

"Hey dudes I have you listen to the rumors?" Geoff asked

"What rumors?" Harold asked

"The Gwen is coming to destroy the wedding.. and get Duncan back.." Geoff said

Everyone was shooked, I starded laughing

Then I vaped

"Yeah.. uhm I will never be with the whore again." I said taking my vape out

" I said taking my vape out

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Gwen quick POV

"So an flight from Toronto to Pennsylvania.. it's 59 minutes.. dayreck let's go baby boy" said Gwen getting in the plane

Okay.. uhm dayreck is an cute name 😂 yeah uhm.. I am really sorry this took 10 hours I was lazy  and I wanted to kil- I mean hug my sweet sister so I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you have an good day byeee

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