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Courtney POV

I and the girls were getting ready, I can't believe it.. today was the day

I was wearing and white gown

I was wearing and white gown

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"Okay girls! Relax.." heather said

"I can't.. believe today is the day.. I get marry.." I said

"Well Believe it sister.." leshsawna said getting her weave ready

"Well suprise!" A familiar voice said coming in

An brunette the kinda looked like Courtney entered the room

"Hey little sister!" Courtney sister said

"Diamond!!" I said running to diamond

"Why your doing here?! I thought you were in Florida!!" I said shocked

"Well why couldn't I miss my sIsTErS is wedding!" Diamond said smiling

"Wait wait.. diamond I know why your here" heather smirked at her


"But, we need to have bodyguard if Gwen decides to come or not" Bridgette said

"I will" diamond said grabbing her gun out

"OMG DIAMOND!" Courtney and Bridgette said scared

"Oh I like this girl!" Heather said

"Oh my god.. what did I get into.." I said putting my hand in my forehead

"Why you got into?! GO GET MARRY ITS ABOUT START IN FEW MINUTES" Diamond said leaving to guard

"OMG RIGHT!!" The girls said

Duncan POV

"Dude, relax but don't cry.." Geoff said to Duncan

"I don't.. cry." I say cleaning my tux

Then I see the girls coming, and I see mom tearing up with some tissues around her and Damien with Bridgette

The music started, then I see Courtney walking in the hile with her Dad..

She looked really beautiful, I smiled

She smiled back, you could notice her freckles noticing more beacuse of the blush

When she arrived her dad patted me in the shoulder and gave me an smile

The I whispered to Courtney

"You look amazing.."

"You look handsome" she whispered back

"Okay before I get started Does anyone up jets?" The priest asked

The Gwen was entering about raise her hand but diamond pulled it down

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