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Courtney POV

It's been 3 years since I married Duncan sometimes he is an pain in the ass but I love him

I work as an lawyer in one of the best lawyers office and Damien is 3 years old

He looks like his dad, he is really quiet but when is cousin comes over Alexandria they have the best time whole day

I woke up at 7:00 am Friday I didn't have form any papers and Duncan went to work at 6:00 am

I was planning to clean the house and cook some pancakes with some blueberries Damien is favorite

I went to cook it.. then I feel my stomach hurting a little then I think it was only beacuse I was hungry

I went wake up my angel

"Damien.. wake up.. I made your favorite!" I said

"Yay" He said so exicted and went running to the bathroom

Then I get an nofication from Duncan

Then I get an nofication from Duncan

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@dunky: getting Damien some shoes..

@princess: shouldn't you be at your work?

@dunky: yeah I was but I wanted get my child some shoes 😏

@princess: omg.. don't get starded with those emojis Duncan Nelson.

@dunky: why should I listen to an 20 year old girl?

@princess: beacuse this 20 year old girl is your wifey and princess

@dunky: truth..

@princess: gotta go help Damien wash his teeth.. see ya dunky

"MoMmY! Help me brush my teeth pwease" Damien begged

"Okay be right there" I said going to the bathroom

I helped him brushing his teeth

"There! Who is mama big boy?" I asked tickling him

"Me!" He said laughing

"The is right.." I said grabbing him and bridging him to the kitchen to eat

"Daddy is home!" Heather said with an man is voice

"Auntieeeeeee" Damien said running to her

"Hey buddy" heather said hugging him

"Where is Alexandria?" He asked so innocently

"Well she is at her abuelitas house" heather tried get an accent

"Where is you dick head husband of yours" heather said covering Damien's ears

"At am shoe store why?" I asked

"Cuz He send me this photo.." heather showed me

"He was like, I'm hotter than you

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"He was like, I'm hotter than you.. even people think that.." heather rolled her eyes playfully, I laughed

"But I brought these.." she went at the door grabbed some donuts with big smell sense

I got an feeling to throw so I went to the bathroom throw up

Damien was watching some paw patrol, "Courtney?! What the hell?!"heather said walking in to the room

I kept throwing up

"Did you and Duncan Had any sex?!"
Heather asked worried

Then my mind stopped, what if I am pregnant with Duncan is child again?

Does he want it?

Or he will leave me?

"Well.. I did have some sex with him  3 months ago" I said cleaning my mouth

"Do you have an pregnancy test?" Heather asked sitting down to her level

"I do.." I said getting up and opening the mirror and grabbing the pregnancy tests

"Try it on..I would be with Damien watching paw patrol.." heather said giggling a little

"Okay.." I said taking an big breath and doing this

Meanwhile with heather

"Auntie look! Marshall's rescuing the cat!" He said pouting at the tv

"Auntie, when you and dad we're little what did you watch?" Damien asked

"Well.. uhh I watched Dora the explorer, spongebob squarepants and teenage mutant ninja turtles and your dad.. the same but not Dora he saw Go, Diego, Go" Heather explained

"Cool! What mommy watched?" Damien asked putting his head on heather

"She watched the same, but some others show to called icarly, victories
The fairies odd parents.." heather keep explaining and buy she noticed he was asleep she put him in his to sleep

Heather knocked on the bathroom door

"Are you done..?" Heather asked

"Yes.." I sob

"What is the answer?" Heather asked, I showed her eyes widened

I was crying happy tears and sad tears

"What if Duncan doesn't want another child.." I asked putting my head in her shoulders

"He.. will.. I promise" heather said hugging me

At 3:00  pm

Heather left, I was cooking food for me and Damien and Daddy

I was cooking some soups with a shrimp

Damien and my favorite, when he was done eating he went to his room and played with his tablet the my parents gave him

"Hunny I'm home!" Duncan said jokingly around

He went and kiss me, and Damien went running to his dad

"Hey little bud! I know you wanted some shoes costed a lot money.." he said

"Yeah" Damien respond

I sitted in the counter and stared at them

"Here I bought them for you!" Duncan said giving Damien the box

"Thank you Daddy!" He said happily and went running to his room

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"Thank you Daddy!" He said happily and went running to his room

"Well I got an box, open it" I said giving the wrapped paper box

"Princess if this an pra-" Duncan was cutted of by the pregnancy test

"Your pregnant?" He asked in total shock

"Yes!" I started tearing up with happy tears

"We're gona have second child!" Duncan said grabbing me and spinning me around

"I love you so much.." he said

"I love you to.." I said back


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