Hospital 🏥

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Courtney POV

"So.. this me-" I was cutted off by myself

"AHH! MY WATER BROKE" I said yelling

Duncan couldn't believe what was happening, Courtney water broke 1 week earlier from their wedding

"Omg.. duncan I am gona grab the suitcases!" Heather said

Duncan was wearing an black tan top and Courtney was wearing usual Duncan old  shirts and panties

"Courtney I will get you there.." Duncan said grabbing me bridal style the dog was following him to the car

"Babydoll, it's gona be okay.." Duncan said laying me on the car

I tried breath softly

Heather was putting the leagues down

"Okay.. the baby is backpack and your league are in the trunk" heather said texting Alejandro and the group

'Courtney is in labor, everyone meets us in the hospital' heather sent in group chat

'Omg?! Really!?' Bridgette and Geoff sent

'Yes! Hurry up 😒'

I was closing my eyes, I couldn't take this pain.. it felt like the baby was taking all my orgams


Heather laughed really hard

"See what I told you.. you are an sex addict.. and she knows it"  heather said

"Sorry, babydoll where almost there.." Duncan said putting his hand on Courtney is stomach

I was groaning..and whimpering

Then we arrived

Duncan POV

We arrived to the hospital, I grabbed Courtney bridal style and heather took our leagues, and the puppy was with heather

"Excuse me sir, you need Wait in the line" said the nurse

"My f-wife is in labor!" I said

"Okay! Okay let's take her to the delivery room.." the nurse said making me follow her

They layed her down in the bed
I sat next to her, I was holding her hand tightly then ever

"Omg, were here.." Bridgette said entering the room

"Hey guys.." Courtney said

"Hey.. how are you.. are you okay?, is Duncan hurting you? How much you had sex with him" Bridgette said joking around

"I am fine.." Courtney said

"Miss. Nelson" the nurse said

I smiled

She was confused, she knew we weren't marry yet but she smiled

"Yes?" Courtney asked trying to talk normally

"We need you to change this" the nurse  giving Courtney the hospital patient gown

"Thank.. you" Courtney said getting off the bed and came back soon

"Princess want some food?" I asked

"No.. I just have an stupid headache" Courtney said

"Well I tell the nurses" I told her

"Hey ma'am.. my wife's head hurts" I said

"Okay we will be right over there for her with an bandage" they said

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