Dirty parents or clean parents 😏

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If your mature to watch----- you know what just watch it

One week later

Courtney Pov
Well me and the baby got out the hospital, I hate being alone at night..

It felt spirits were around me.. and touching but Duncan is gona take us to our home

"Miss future wifey, hurry up!" He said honking

"Shush! The baby is sleeping " I said holding Damien tightly

He was wearing an blue bear jacket

I sitted behind the car seat Damien, he looked like an angel

"Are you gona sit behind there?" Duncan asked

"Yeah.." I said putting my head in the back

Duncan drived car, really softly it made me a little horny..

I grabbed an blanket right Duncan gave me when I turned 18

I was rubbing my clit, I was trying to moan

"Oh my god.." I said under my breath

Then Duncan with some smell with cologne I gifted him

When Duncan looked back I took my hand out my pants

"Hey princess.. wanna drink some wine we get home" Duncan asked while smirking

How much I loved the smirk

"Sure.." I said while putted my hand back to my pussy

I kept rubbing my clit, I couldn't take it so long I left an sofly moan

Duncan looked back and smirked

"Babydoll is horny" Duncan smirked

"Well it's not my fault I was stuck in the hospital thinking about your dick." I said

"Okay, when we get home and put daddy's twin to his bed we will fuck" Duncan said while kissing my neck

"Okay dunky" I said kissing his cheek

10 minutes later

We got home and set Damien to sleep in his crib, he looked So precious

We got home and set Damien to sleep in his crib, he looked So precious

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"Night my prince.." I said giving Damien an kiss in his cheek

"Night.. Damien.." Duncan said kissing his forehead

When we left his room, Duncan grabbed me to the wall and starded to kiss me roughly

I put my fingers in Duncan is hair while moaning his name

He unhook my bra and throw it to the floor

Then he starded sucking one of my nipples

"Mhmm, how I miss this" he said

Then he starded making love bites in my neck

He brought us to the room, he thrown me to the bed

He pulled my pants down, and panties

He starded lick and suck my clit

"Oh damn.. daddy" I said moaning

"Say it again!" Duncan said putting two fingers inside of my vagina

"DADDY!" I said

"Daddy! I am about cum" I said whimpering

"Cum for me" he said with an smirk

Then he took his fingers off my vagina and licked them

Then we switch places I unbuttoned his shirt

And made love bites in his chest and grabbed an eyeliner and wrote
He is mine so back off

He smirked

"I am yours, always.." he said kissing my forehead

Then I took off his belt and throw it anywhere, then I took off his boxers

I began suck him off

It looked like he like it

I licked the dick is head, Duncan groaned

"Princess.. wanna make daddy cum.." Duncan said moving his hip back and forward

Duncan was groaning, I could feel the cum was in my tongue

"Mhmm.." I said licking my fingers

"Baby doll can I go roughly?" Duncan asked with an smirked

"Sure dunky" I said rubbing my clit

Then he put his dick inside of me

He went fast, I moaned really hard

"Daddy fuck!" I said while rubbing my clit

"Courtney wanna cum for dunky?" He purred in my ear

I moaned, he started to groaned

"Princess.. I am about to cum.." he said while touching my breast

"Just do it!" I said while out breath

Then he was about and someone burge in the room saying


Who do think it's was? Omg.. I felt so cringe while writing this

Like I know I'm supposed to be "****************" hehe.. yeah
(Porn liker or sex)

It's thanks to my school.. and my crush ew..

I hope you enjoyed this dirty minded people :)

And have an good day good bye

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