9 months and few days wedding ❤️

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Courtney POV
I was trying sleep, but an baby was hitting my stomach really hard I got of my bed, and went to the bathroom and washed  my face

I got out of the room I saw Duncan vaping in the balcony

I said it's okay to him to vape but not afront me when I'm pregnant

When he turned behind, he saw me he stopped vaping and went to the bathroom to wash his mouth

"Hey princess.. how are you feeling.." he asked holding my hand

"I am fine.." I said hugging him

"Well.. wanna go to pool party?" He asked

"Will be there drinking?.." I asked concerned

"I dont know ask Geoff" he said

"Wait Bridgette and Geoff are here?!" I said excited

"Yes! They came for the wedding and for Damien.." he said kissing my stomach

"So get ready and put some bikini on"
He said going to same room as me

We got dressed afront if eachother eye

Damn look at those abs

We were wearing

We were wearing

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"Babe, you look great" Duncan said smiling

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"Babe, you look great" Duncan said smiling

"Thanks babe, you look handsome" I said smiling back

I putted an tank top and shorts on
And Duncan some shirt

We got in the car and starded driving.

Duncan grabbed my hand whole time he was driving, when the car stop I used to mess his hair

"Babydoll!" He said

"Sorry but your hair is awesome" I said giggling

Then I grabbed the puppy who was I the back seats and hold him

"Who is good Oreo" I said kissing his skin

He licked my face

"Well he likes  you!" Duncan said laughing

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