Telling him

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Courtney POV

Heather left, beacuse she needed cook when Alejandro gets home.. I wanted to cook but I wasn't in the mood

When I looked at my phone Duncan sent me an message

Babe I'm coming home 😘

I was still watching kuwtk, I was getting sleepy, and I turn off the tv and and close my eyes and cover up my mouth and sleep

Duncan POV

Getting an car in New York is hard..
But it was worth it but there is an big traffic to get home luckily I'm close

I arrived I opened  the door and jokingly said——

"Hunny, I am home" I said putting my coat in the coat holder

I see no sign of Courtney, so I walked to the living room sofa and see her sleeping like an angel 

Then I pick her up gently as bridal style put her in our bed, I went to see some monster truck of the sofa.. and I felt and I felt an box bugging me so I grabbed it.. and I couldn't believe my eyes

An pregnancy test..

I was there shook, I thought it could be heathers.. but I know heather used protection with Alejandro

So.. I went to wake up Courtney softly

"Hey.. babydoll.. can I ask you something?" I said softly to her ear

"Yes.. dunky?" Courtney said softly

"Is this yours..?" I asked showing her the box

Courtney eyes starded water with happiness on her eyes

"Yes!" She said sobbing and jumping to hug me

"Courtney we are gona be parents!" I said in joy

I couldn't believe.. I was about marry her and move in with her and best thing ever.. have kids with her

" I know.. I thought you were about be mad"  she said looking down

"How could I be mad? I am having a kid with my future lady.. my princess.." I said kissing her neck

"Does heather know about this?" I asked

"Yes.." she answered

"Oh okay" I purred in her ear

"Wanna take an shower tougher?" I smirk at her

"Sure" she said

We took an 20 long minute shower, and went to sleep

I can't still believe I am about be an Dad..

I thought to myself and went to sleep

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