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((DONT mind the picture XD I just found it on YouTube and 😉))

Courtney POV
It's was 8:34 in the morning me and Duncan we were watching some Netflix

Courtney POV It's was 8:34 in the morning me and Duncan we were watching some Netflix

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And Damien was in Duncan is arms, wearing this clothes he bought for 10 dollars

And Damien was in Duncan is arms, wearing this clothes he bought for 10 dollars

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"Babe, look at Damien new clothes" Duncan said showing off

"Yes I know..I could see" I said with an attitude

"Someone is on their days" Duncan said rolling his eyes playfully

"Oh shut it!" I said going up to him

Putting the baby to his crib

Then I started kissing Duncan passionately, Duncan grabbed my breast starded rubbing it

When we were done kissing I left small moan out

Then duncan pushed me, he started to suck my breast out and kissing my neck, making me love bites

Then he kept kissing me down to my vagina then he slowly pulled down my panties

He stared to lick and suck my clit, I was moaning

"Oh Duncan!" I said moaning, i ran my hands into his hair

Then he stopped sucking my clit he put is two finger inside of my vagina, pumped out in and  out

I was moaning loudly, luckily nobody was at home the time

Then I smirked and switched places with him

I kissed him passionately while getting his shorts off and boxers

I kept massaging his dick while we ended the kiss

I started to suck his balls out, he grabbed my hair and moved my head up and down

When I started suck roughly he started groan and whimper he moved his hips back and forward

"Oh.. Princess.." he said groaning

Then I stopped sucking his balls off then i bites his scrotums

He groaned even louder but smirked

Then we changed position, he plugged his dick into my vagina

It felt so good

Then he went a little roughly

"Hey.. princess I was thinking getting an small dick piercing.." he said

"Ah.. Okay.." I said while moaning

Imagine the how could feel

I starded rubbing clit while Duncan fucking me

I starded moaning even louder when Duncan starded go faster, he groaned

"Duncan.. I am about to-" I said while whimpering

"To cum?" He said groaning

"Then cum..princess let's have a second child.." he said going even more faster

Is he serious? He wants another child

"B-But Duncan we just had Damien.." I said

"Let's just try?" He said cumming inside of me

"Ahh.. that felt good right..Princess?" He said kissing my chin to my mouth

"Yeah it felt good.." I said

Okay so guys I just wanted right something about dick and vagina .. I am perv.. it's beacuse I saw an movie in Netflix about having sex and shit like that and it's was 2:00 am so I did this when I woke up right now.. so I hope you have good day and you enjoyed this good bye

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