Dying my hair?

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Duncan POV
I woke up at 7:00 am I couldn't sleep I didn't know why.. but I thought an Idea

I went to my office next Courtney's

I search up, some close salons

And I found one it had 5 star raitings and it wasn't really expensive, I saw an photo of me when I little with my ma

And I found one it had 5 star raitings and it wasn't really expensive,  I saw an photo of me when I little with my ma

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I smiled

"Look who is up at 7 am" Courtney said going in my office


"What your looking at?" She asked

"This photo of me and my" I said kinda embarrassed

"Aww your mom looks so beautiful, Wait it says something behind the photo" Courtney said turning the photo around

"Mommy's bad boy.." Courtney read

"Well.. I was ma's favorite.. and my older brother was my Dads" I said scratching me

"Bieng honest I like your green Mohawk, but you looked cute with black" Courtney smirked

"I know baby.. I'm cute" I said kissing her cheek

"Well Princess, I think you should go back to sleep" I said getting up my chair

"No.." Courtney mummbled

"What, no?"

"No!" She said yelled playfully

"Well I need to do this.."I said grabbing her bridal style

I bring her to our bed then she grabbed my neck and kissed me passionately

"Why do you just stay?" She asked putting puppy eyes

"I need to do something I will be back at 9:00" I said

"Okay dunky.." she said

"Well bye princess..and my little delinquent.." I said kissing Courtney and her stomach

I went take an quick shower and brushed my teeth and put on some black shirt with black pants, and black shoes

I left the house without making any noise, the I notice Alejandro fricking out outside of his house

"Al? What are you doing out here.." I asked

"Well I feel I got Heather pregnant.." he said with an worried

"Yeah, your dead.." I said

"Oh soo the is gona make me feel better?!" He yelled

"Al! People are sleeping it's Saturday 7:00 am!" I whispered

"No one lives up here! We live up here.." he said

"Okay, I don't care I need to go find an job in the salon close here" I said

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