Morning sickness

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Courtney POV

I woke up, i look at Duncan with his messy Mohawk all messed up beacuse of last night.. my stomach was hurting a little bit so I went drink some water

I grabbed my white towel put it in my shoulders and held to the bathroom

I went to the bathroom and took an cold shower and brush my teeth when I was done

I went to my closet and picked out and (the clothes I have on the picture

I went to the kitchen I make some breakfast, bacon and eggs with orange juice

I saw Duncan in his boxers, walking to the kitchen and it looked like he was zombie how his eyes were almost close

"Hello zombie dunkie" I said giggling

"Hello sunshine, enjoyed light night sex?" Duncan said smirking

"Yeah.." I tried hide my red face

" I am cooking bacon and eggs want some?" I asked

"Sure.." he said

I went to serve in his plate, and I served mine in the plate and grab two crystal glass and poured orange juice

"Duncan served your food" I yelled

"Okay!" He shouted

I eated one piece, and I got morning sickness, I went to the guest bathroom to throw up,

"Babe where are you?" Duncan asked

"I'm here.." I said I felt so weak

"Courtney are you okay?!" He asked so worried

He grabbed my hair and put it in a bun

"T-thanks" I said

"No problem"

I got up and went to the sink and watched my mouth

"Courtney are you sure your okay?" Duncan asked

"Yes, I am it might be my period" I said


I went to the laptop and search up my wedding flowers and decorations

Then again I wanted to go puke, I went running to the bathroom, Duncan wasn't here he was going to find an work

I called heather to come to my house

"HEATHER TO THE RECUE!" Heather said burgin in the house


"All of them are at work"

"Okay.. whatever.."

"So what do you want baby girl" she said sitting in the big sofa

"I been puking.. a lot this morning.."

"Wait what? Did you and Duncan have sex? Don't do this like last year.." heather said concerned

"Yes we did.. and sexy way" I said smirking

"Quite it"

"Yes ma'am"

"Well let's go buy pregnancy test.." heather said

"But is there an pharmacy close from here?" I asked

"Yes.. you can see it from here" she said pouting at the window

"Oh.. right let me just grab an shirt" I said

"And chancletas!" Heather said

"I'm sorry.. living with Alejandro is really annoying.." heather said

"Well okay?" I said going to my room grabbing and t shirt and some flip flops

I took of my roap and threw it in the bed

"Let's goo" I said

5 minutes getting of the lobby
And going to the pharmacy

"Okay where is the pregnancy hale" Courtney asked heather

"What?!" Heather said happier with all the candy she got in the cart

"WTH! I thought we were gona buy pregnancy test" I said

"We are it's just look of all candy!" She said happily

"If.. nvm! Let's buy candy!" I said going to grab the candy

"Okay let's grab the pregnancy test" I said grabbing the pregnancy test

We went to buy everything

"The will be 20.23 dollars" the cashier lady said

"Okay, I will pay it" heather said grabbing her credit card

"Okay let's test this thing out when we get home" I said

"What time Duncan comes from finding his work?" Heather asked when we were crossing the road

"Well he said it take 2 hours but I don't really know" I said going on the elevator

We went to my house, and I went to use this pregnancy test

"Okay doing it.. I need wait 3 mins.." I said to heather

"Okay I I will be eating this candy" she said eating some nerds

When I was taking the pregnancy test.. I waited for 3 mins, when it answered

I starded to cry

"Courtney are you okay?!" Heather said knocking room

When I pull up my pants I open the door. I was sobbing

"What, was it.." heather asked

"Check out your self"

"Y-you should be happy

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"Y-you should be happy.." heather said giving it back to her

"Well.. I am, I am crying of joy and sadness.." I said sobbing

Heather grabbed me an blanket.. and ice cream and put me on kuwtk, and there was an episode of khloe taking an pregnancy test, for me it was funny so I started to cry of joy..

"What is Duncan gona think.." I said looking at heather

"He will be happy.. I know this guy since I was in diapers, and if he hurts you I will mudere him.. so dont worry.." heather said hugging me


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