Chapter 2 ~ Encountering

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I park my car and we walk to the entrance. The usual security guard greets us and I say hello, I walk to the desk to sign in and look at the events, next week theres some singer performing, That doesn't interest me. As usual we go to our favourite restaurant there, its a lovely Chinese restaurant. It almost feels like you are in china. The waiter sits us down and hands us the menu, I order noodles and Liza orders fried rice. Our food arrives fairly quickly and we eat and chat about work.

I ask for the bill and I pay, we get up, say thank you and walk to the dance. The dance floor is full and I find one table to sit at and have a coffee. Liza just wants to party so she left me and now is somewhere in the crowd, she complains about coming here but she seems to have more fun than me haha. I watch the people dance and I look at all the people sitting watching everyone else. Some of the usual people are here and the others I have never seen before. I finish my coffee and tap my foot to the music "Get right by Jennifer Lopez" Is playing. Liza runs up to me and drags me to the dance floor, we dance till the song finishes and then we sit back down, she needs water and is sweating haha. I order her a water but she asks for a Moscato, I order myself a beer. Our drinks arrive and she says

"Look over there" and nods her head. She points me in the direction of a family of 4

"Yeah what? They are always here"

"The dude keeps staring over here"


"Whats he looking at?"

"Probably you and those massive tits" I laugh, she laughs too

"You're not far behind me so shut up" I zip my lips and she laughs even more

"Liza stop staring back! Your making it so obvious"

"Well he started it" I chuckle at her come back



"His wife and kids got up and he gave her the keys"

"Stop staring oh my god"

"His staying here I think"

"Okay whatever lets go dance"


We dance in the middle of the crowd then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and its the staring guy

"Hello, may I have the following dance?"

"Hi, umm yeah sure"

"Thank you" He walks away and I'm left confused

"Ooooo" Liza says

"Shut your gob its just a dance"

"Where did he go?"

"Fuck if I know" I laugh. He comes back with two beers, the ones I always order

"One for you"

"I'm okay thank you"

"No I insist"

"No really I'm good thank you"

"Just take the drink"

"Ok, how much do I owe you?"

"Don't be stupid" He laughs "Whats your name miss?"

"Britney, whats yours?"

"Ethan, nice to meet you" I shake his hand

"Nice to meet you too Britney" He stares deep into my eyes, yep I know these men, only after one thing but god damn he is good looking! "What do you do?" He asks snapping me out of his trance

"I'm a hairdresser, how about you?"

"Nice! I'm a teacher at a all boys school"

"Cool" I smile

"You are always here, why not at some party? Haha"

"Thats not my cup of tea"

"What is your cup of tea then?"

"Coming here"

"I can see that"

"You are always here too, why not at some pub hanging out with your friends"

"Haha thats very stereotypical"

"I can say the same to you"

"Well played Britney" He winks at me "But I do go to the pub every now and then" I laugh

"And I do go to parties here and there" He nods with a smirk. We finish our drinks and he takes my empty bottle and puts it on a table. We are just on the side of the dance floor talking

"Lets dance" He takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the dance floor "Piano In The Dark by Brenda Russell" starts playing. Great a slow song, sarcasm added to that remark. We dance and he is just smiling

"Ive been watching you" He says

"And I've noticed"

"You have!?"

"You make it very obvious" He blushes

"Hahaha" He laughs "Well today I made it obvious, even your friend noticed"

"Yes she did" I smile. He pulls me closer to him and I can smell his perfume, a strong masculine scent, mmmm.

"You smell very nice Britney" Oh fuck, he was smelling me too!

"So do you"

"Thank you" The song finishes

"Thank you for the dance and drink" I let go of him

"One more dance?"

"I should find my friend"

"Please, one more dance"

"Where is your wife and kids?" He cocks his head down and smiles and looks back up at me

"They went home, why you ask?"

"I don't think she would appreciate you dancing with girls and buying them drinks"

"I'm not, I'm only dancing with you" He winks

"You know what I mean"

"I know I know" He smirks "Okay if you don't want to dance with me I understand, chat a bit more then?"

"What is there to talk about?"

"Are you always this cold to everyone?" He laughs and hugs me "Let me make you warmer" I laugh at that

"You have a mouth on you don't you mister"

"I do" "Oh Britney the hairdresser"


"Do you do men haircuts?"

"My colleague does but I don't"

"I need a haircut, where do you work?, I mean where does he or she work?"

"You want his card?"

"Please" I go through my bag to find a business card, it has mine and my colleagues (Frank's) details. I hand him a card and he reads it

"Britney Harris, womens hair specialist, 0412-345-678, 5th avenue, CBD"

"No prank calls and no stalking me through the window" I laugh and wink at him

"You knew I wanted your number didn't you?"


"And if I asked, you would of never gave it to me would of you?"



"We need more customers so there you go"


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