Chapter 8~ Surprise

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After a long day at work, I clock off and drive home with my music blasting and the windows down, its another hot night! Gotta love this summer weather! I'm stuck in traffic so I stare at the moon, so beautiful. Ethan crosses my mind, I'm picturing him on the plane. That brings a smile to my face.

Ethan's POV

This plane ride is so boring!! Ive watched all these movies and these kids don't stop talking. I put my earphones in and listen to my music. I stare at the moon and feel all warm inside, like everything will be fine. Then I think about Brit, I wonder what she's doing?

~Back to Britney~

Finally I'm home and I can relax. I wonder if Ethan is gonna message me? His probably too busy, I shouldn't annoy him. I turn on the tele and launch myself on the couch with a bag of potato chips. As the afternoon turns into night, I had a brilliant thought! I quickly put my shoes on and drive to the photo developer store....

He wanted me to send him the pic of us but I just printed out, now to find a frame. I will wrap it at home... I get home and wrap it in blue wrapping, I hope he likes it... BING, my phone buzzes

'Hey sweetie, how are you?'

'Heyy, i'm good, how are you?'

'Bored, wish I could be back home'

'Man I would love to be there'

'Lets swap then'

'Haha sure'

'I will be back in a few days, I would love to catch up'

'Me too, how does coffee sound?'



The past few days have been pretty boring, I have been missing him a lot, we have been talking a bit though, phone calls just before he goes to bed and he sends me pics of the place, looks absolutely beautiful.

'Coming back today Brit'

'Nice! Want me to pick you up from the airport? Missing you xoxo'

'Can't, my wife and kids are picking me up' I read that message and feel empty again, thats right, his married...

'All G'

' :D'.

A few hours pass and he messages me again

'Wanna meet up?' I so badly want to but I stop myself

'Can't, busy'

'Doing what? We had plans' Bloody hell just leave me alone

'Busy thats it'

'Doing what??!!' I leave him on read... I plug my earphones in and forget about the world for a few hours, just sitting on the couch and jamming out. My doorbell rings and I get up to answer it. I open the door and find Ethan, black trench coat, white shirt and denim jeans.

"Busy huh?" He enters

"I didn't invite you in"

"I invited myself"

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you"

"You should be home"

"I don't want to be"

"Well you should"

"Don't you want to see me?" I stare at him blankly "I know you do"


"Lets go out then" He hugs me and I hug him back

"Fine, you win"


"This is for you" I hand him his present. He opens it

"Aww thanks babes, thats so cute, I love it" He kisses my cheek "And this is for you" He hands me a little box and I open it, its a keyring of the Eiffel tower

"Thank you" I hug him tightly and smile

"Go get dressed girly"

"Yes Sir". I walk to my room and get undressed and I find him leaning on the door frame just staring

"You mind?!"

"No I don't mind" He walks in and sits on my bed. I'm just picturing pushing him down, stripping him and fucking him hard. I put on denim jeans and a nude colour top

"Nope, not that"

"Excuse me?"

"Put something else on"

"Are you serious?"


"Why don't you go put something else on"

"Cause I look fine"

"You look stupid"

"You do" I get undressed and throw my clothes in his face

"Do that again and see what happens" I pick up my clothes and throw it at him once more. He quickly gets up and puts me over his shoulder, sits on the bed and puts me over his knee and slaps me hard. What the fuck?! "I told you" He brings me back up and I'm in shock "That fixed you" I push him down and turn him around, pull his pants down and slap him so hard and quickly run away. He chases me around the house and I'm screaming and laughing

"What the fuck is going on in here?!" Liza says and we just freeze

"Oh you're back home early" I start laughing

"Why are you in your underwear and why are you here?" She turns to Ethan

"Waz up" Ethan says

"Well Liza, this is Ethan, Ethan this is Liza" They shake hands...

"Umm I better get dressed, you guys sit out here" I walk to my room and put on a skin tight white dress, take out my hair and put on my black stilettos. I walk out

"Perfect" Ethan says

"Sexy" Liza says

"Thanks guys". Ethan gets up and holds out his hand, I take it and we say goodbye to Liza and walk to his car

"You look stunning" He says and opens the car door for me

"So do you" I close the door on his face and smirk. He hops in the car and we are off!

"Where are we going?"

"I decided dinner"


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