Chapter 3 ~ He wants to...

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"So?" He says with an eyebrow up

"So?" I ask back

"Shall we dance?" I shake my head and smile

"You are very persistent"

"I admit it"

"And you always get what you want?"

"Yes" He smiles

"Well no dance for you"

"Oh!" He laughs

"Bye Ethan" I wave and walk away, I turn back and his just standing there, watching me. I find Liza and tell her we should leave. She follows me to the car pestering me with questions

"I'll tell you in the car" I say

"Fine!" We arrive at the car

"Well?!!" She shouts

"He got me a drink, we danced, I gave him my work card cause he wants a haircut, Franks details are on it too so"

"He wants to sex you" She laughs

"Shut up idiot" I laugh and slap her arm


"SHUT UP" We are laughing that much that we are crying. We snap ourselves out of it and I start the car. Overall I had a good night, I wish I took that second dance but, well, whatever. Its not long before we arrive home. I go to my room, get undressed and fall to my bed. I start imagining Ethan slowly undressing himself. Mmmm such a delicious thought. I start seeing him reach for his cock, wrapping his hand around it, moving his hand up and down his long thick shaft, Oh wow! I'm getting wet just at the thought, a girl can dream can't she. I start playing with my breasts then my hand travels down to my clit. Mmmm she wants to be played with, my eyes closed, my hand now rubbing my wet engorged clit, moving faster and faster with each pulse of pleasure that runs through my body. My heart starts racing, I let out little moans, I'm sweating, I tense up and cum instantly! I then catch my breath and relax my body. Eventually I fall asleep.

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