Chapter 6~ Date

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My phone buzzes and I have a text from a new number

'Hey, was wondering when can I come in again for the same treatment?

Regards Ethan' Oh yeah, he has my number

'Hi Ethan, you can come in today, we have a free spot at 4pm. That okay?'

'Perfect, cheers' I smile at his reply. I'm excited to see this man, I can't get enough of him!

The day fly's by really quick because we have been so busy which is good otherwise I would of just been staring at the clock and the door. The bell jiggles and I see him, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I smile at him and he waves, I wave back and he walks to me

"Hi Britney"

"Hi Ethan"

"Where's Frank?"

"Its his day off today"

"Oh, well who's gonna do my hair?"

"Me" I smile and he suddenly gets a big smile

"Perfect" I lead him to the hair washing sink, sit him down and get started on his hair. I like this view of Ethan, I can clearly see his boner, mmm such naughty thoughts I'm thinking. I massage the shampoo in and he moans

"Oh god I'm sorry about that Britney" I laugh

"Its fine"

"Bloody hell" He shakes his head. I rinse the shampoo and apply conditioner then comb his hair. We don't talk much while I'm doing his hair but when he gets up to pay he asks

"Can I have you from now on?"

"To do your hair?"


"I don't really do mens hair"

"I don't care, just do mine"

"Okay" He smiles and leaves. My other colleague, Sarah the new trainee comes up to me and asks if I know him, I said yes and she said his hot, I agreed with her. We close up shop and I get in my car and drive home. All I'm thinking about is undressing this fine specimen and fucking him so hard, riding his cock, covering it with my wetness. I arrive home and head straight to the shower, I check to see how wet I am and I'm dripping in desire. I step in the shower and rub my clit, covering it with my cum, pulses of pleasure run through my body, I keep rubbing faster and faster till I cum, I tense up and imagine my fingers were his. I quickly shower then climb into bed, I'm feeling very daring and I want to call Ethan. My finger hovers over his name, I'm shaking and sweating, the butterflies in my stomach are bouncing off the walls. I'm so nervous. All I can see is his handsome face, his voice ringing in my ear, his smile, his smell. I press on his number and it rings

"Hello?" A deep and confused voice answers

"Hi Ethan"

"Hi Britney, hows it going?"

"Good and you?"

"Swell" There is a moment of silence "Why did you call me?"

"I just wanted to chat"

"Okay" He says in a happy voice

"What are you up to?"

"Just walking my dog, how about you?"

"I'm just in my room"

"What are you doing in your room?"

"Just talking to you"

"Thats nice to know"

"What are you doing on the weekend?"

"I was going to go 4 wheel driving on some sand dunes this weekend while the kids and wife are gone"

"That should be fun"

"What are you doing?"

"No plans really"

"You want to come?" I grin. Obviously I want to go!

"I will see"

"I thought you don't have plans"

"I might need to work or my friend made some plans"

"I want an answer by tomorrow morning. Ask your girl tonight and ask tomorrow about work"

"Yes Sir" I chuckle and he chuckles back

"I will pick you up"

"Bye Ethan"

"Bye Brit" I hang up, god his voice is so erotic! I get up out of bed and find Liza in the kitchen

"Hey bub, I decided to grab some dinner so you don't have to cook"

"Thanks Liza. One question?"


"We doing anything tomorrow?"

"Nah why?" I smile to myself "WHY" She raises her voice and smiles

"I might go out with that guy from the club, you know, Ethan"

"Oh my fucking god! Get out!!, No way"

"Just 4 wheel driving" She smirks

"Naughty girl"

"Me naughty? Please" I roll my eyes

"Yes you are"

"I'm not interested in a married man"

"Well then why are you going hmmm?" Geez, why am I going? I should say no, its the right thing to do

"Because I like 4 wheel driving but I'm not even going so don't worry about it"

"Why? You should go, go have some fun"

"I don't know"

"If you aren't interested whats wrong then?" I look up at her

"I knew it"

"Shut the fuck up" I laugh

"I fucking knew it!!" She laughs


"Don't go then"

"No I'm going"

"No sex then"

"Shut up!!" I say walking back to my room. My grin is so big it hurts my cheeks. I know I don't have to work so I'm definitely going with him tomorrow. I try find a outfit thats not too dressy and casual. I decide to wear denim shorts and a white Tommy Hilfiger v neck shirt and my white Adidas shoes, now, how should I do my hair? I play around with my hair and I'm just gonna leave it out. Okay okay I'm very excited for this.

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